An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Passing Thoughts...

Well another day has come and gone and still life goes on. I guess there are reasons for everything and as each has entered our life and left they have left impressions like foot prints in wet sand, soon as the tides washes in they will be erased to be replaced by another's. As wonderful as seasons change they bought color and a new wind in my life, but as the seasons change and the resplendent colors of autumn tint the leaves, so have they colored my life and I will be forever greatful for what they have given me.

One I will miss deeply as they left their impression upon my heart and that I feel will not be replaced. Pictures and memories are all that are left and I trace back to each one each day remebering how as a flower unfolded she opened her heart to me. I know now that her life goes on and she will not look back, the blooms have wilted and faded and she now looks to a new tomorrow as she oft said, tomorrow the sun will still rise...for me I see the sun setting.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Joss, good luck, bad luck, life, death, good health, bad health it is all joss, good or bad. To either be lucky in life or unlucky depends on your joss. Or how joss stands with you. It is tied to fate and joss can determine your destiny. Whether you create your own joss or fate decides it for you.

It was joss not coincidence that happened for us to come together, I am hoping that it is fate that has set this trial before us. I miss you and I want you to now that you are not forgotten. You said that with each passing day it would get better and I would miss you less. That has not been the case. I have found that with each day I miss you more and more and my love has not lessened but grown. I see you in everything I do and I can hear your voice in the evenings breeze. This I am feeling is unbearable and I wish it would end.

As I said, it is joss that works this and I hope it changes soon. My life is in twisted agony and my soul swims in a sea of desperation without you. Know that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart.


An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...