Three little monkeys jumping on the bed...
One fell off and bumped his head...
Took him to the doctor and the doctor said...
Don't let that monkey jump on the bed...
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed...
One fell off and bumped his head...
Took him to the doctor and the doctor said...
Don't let that money jumped on the bed...
One little monkey jumping on the bed...
She fell off and bumped her head...
Took her to the doctor and the doctor said...
Don't let that monkey jump on the bed...
"Ha ha ha! That last monkey is me, right dadee?" She laughed.
"Yes Monkey, the last one is you." I replied smiling looking down into her big dark eyes.
"I think you're silly dadee." Still laughing looking up at me.
"Yes dadee is silly. Silly over his Little Monkey." I answered reaching down to grab her hands and pull her up to me.
Holding her in my arms she rested her head on my shoulders, her arms wrapped around my neck. I kept silent as I enjoyed my Little Monkey in my arms. I waited patiently for her next prompt to what had become a tradition with her each time we had these little bonding moments together.
"Am I your favorite monkey dadee?" She would start with.
"Of course you're my favorite Monkey. We only have one banana tree, we can't afford another monkey. Where would we get bananas if we had another?" I replied knowing where it was leading.
"Monkeys just don't eat bananas dadee." She continued.
"They don't? What else do monkeys eat?" I asked smiling.
She pulled her head from my shoulder and placed her hands on my cheeks to hold my gaze on her. She looks in my eyes and is silent for a moment. "They eat chocolate and donuts and cake and ice cream and pudding and popcorn and lots of things."
"Oh? And where did you find this out that they ate al these things?" I quizzed her.
"Because I'm a monkey dadee and I eat them. Remember? You see me eat them before." She replied smiling.
"I see. So if I gave you a banana now you wouldn't want it?" I asked, studying her expressions.
"No dadee I wouldn't eat it." She replied letting her gaze break from mine.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Well dadee, if I always eat bananas there won't be any left for Ate and Kuya, they like bananas too." She replied logically.
"Hmm, I see. And what is my Little Monkey hungry for now?" I asked knowing the answer was in her earlier menu of items monkeys eat.
"I think I should have a chocolate dadee and a cola." She answered smiling and bringing her eyes back to mine.
"And a cola?" I asked letting our noses touch.
"Yes, chocolate makes me thirsty." She reasoned with me or tried to justify her reason.
"Water won't work?" I asked her.
"Hmm. Should we ask momma if it is okay if you have a chocolate and a soda?" I continued asking her, knowing she already had this scripted out in her mind.
"No we should shouldn't ask her. She gets cranky when I ask too many questions and tells me to ask you. So I am asking you." She replied.
"So you have already asked her if you could have a chocolate and a cola?" I asked as she broke her eyes away from mine.
"No dadee I didn't ask. I already ask her too many questions today. It's best if I ask you because you love your Monkey and I know you not want me hungry." She answered me as she lowered her head to my shoulder wrapping her arms back around my neck. "And we can get mommy a chocolate too so she knows you didn't forget her."
"Should we let momma know we are going to the store to get you a chocolate and a cola?" I asked as I kissed her ear.
"Oh no dadee we shouldn't let her know that. She is napping and she will get angry if we wake her and then she will say no. We just go and bring mommy back a chocolate and she will smile and be happy." She continued her reasoning.
"So we make a secret from mamma?" I asked her.
"Yes dadee that is best, a secret. That way she won't be upset with you." She replied.
"Upset with me" Why would momma be upset with me? I am not the one eating the chocolate or drinking the cola." I informed her.
"Because you buy it for me. I don't have any pesos to buy chocolate and cola." She replied impatiently. "And if we don't go now mommy will wake up and cook moringana with coconut milk and tell me to eat if I'm hungry." Her little feet starting to dig into me as if she were trying to spur on a pony to move in the direction she wanted.
"How about we leave her a note and let her know so she won't worry if she wakes up early from her nap." I suggested.
"Nope. Mommy doesn't like notes, so we should go now and come home before she wakes up." She said while rocking her body trying to get me to to move towards the door.
I walked out the door still carrying her as we went out the gate and onto the street. I smiled and asked her, "Want to walk t the store?"
"No dadee, you know how to walk, I will ride." She answered wrapping her legs around my waist and locking herself into position.
"Oh it's so very hot today Monkey." I said as I walked to one side og the street trying to stay in the shade of the over hanging trees.
"Yes dadee, very hot. If mommy's chocolate starts melting I will eat it so it won't be messy for mom to eat." She assured me.
"Yes Monkey I am sure you will." I laughed squeezing her. "Dadee's Little Monkey uses her head very well I see."
Stories posted here are the exclusive property of the Smiling Pig. No other use or reproduction of the content contained here is permissible without written prior consent.
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