An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Rabid Dogs

In Texas when a dog is considered rabid and is a danger to the public, it is shot or put down. It seems there are a few global leaders who have gone rabid and have become a threat to the world's people, their safety, their livelihood and much more important, their freedom!

Putin has decided to invade Ukraine based on a very small division of Pro-Putin Ukrainian traitors that have aligned themselves to a Tyrant bent on creating a "New Russian Empire" and enslaving entire countries to further his aggressive vision on a future Russia. Traitors who oppose self-will of the people, who cow toe to Putin's demands like cowering dogs licking at his feet, while their people suffer the inhumane treatment and atrocities by Putin and his army. Putin claims this is to protect the people of the Donbas and Luhansk Regions, land belonging to Ukraine, not Russia as well as the Crimea Region which was illegally taken by Putin. The President of Ukraine, Vladomir Zelensky never invited or requested Russia's help in the Pro Russian separatist that have been attacking Mr. Zelensky's people with Putin's help and blessings. He, (Putin) has attacked cities and condones the death of citizens, women, children and the elderly. A coward's tactic to instill fear in a free people to control them, enslave them and as in the days of the "Great Russian Revolution", to disappear in a Gulag somewhere in Siberia to be forgotten and struck from Russian history as if it never existed. 

To ostracize Putin with sanctions is nothing more than a slap on his hands, deal with this RABID DOG as anyone would do in Texas, put a bullet in his head and drop him where he stands. Let anyone who stands with him to be considered as a part of his pack of rabies infected ideologist, fall with him, (Trump is on the list) and suffer the same fate as he will suffer. Even his own Russian citizens are rallying against him along with the rest of the world to put an end to his maniacal, egotistical vision of his empire. There will never be another Russian Empire that Putin dreams of.

To impose his will stating to secure Russia's future on the world stage and to see Ukraine as a threat to Russian National Security due to Ukraine being invited to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to secure their own country against such attacks by Putin and using Donbas and Luhansk as an excuse to validate his invasion of a Democratic Country is beyond ridiculous, it's sadly pathetic on his part. He fears free will of his people, afraid to let them voice their opinion as to his actions are setting his own people up to suffer the repercussions of his inane act of war on a people who want nothing more than to govern themselves and make their own choices as to what is best for them, not some Rabid Dog that sees them as nothing more than expendable in his efforts to regain what the rest of the world broke apart with the Russian Communist Government in the 1980s. It is apparent Putin failed to take notes. It won't work anymore.

It is time to stand as one, not as individuals, against Putin and his aggression against a FREE NATION GOVERNED BY FREE PEOPLE and put him DOWN before his ego causes harm to innocent Russian citizens. He started a war he can't win, there are too many who see democracy as more than a political platform, they see it as a way of living their lives. 


The Smiling Pig

Stories posted here are the exclusive property of the Smiling Pig. No other use or reproduction of the content contained here is permissible without written prior consent.


Anonymous said...

You’re absolutely right . A great book

Anonymous said...

Weird because I know you and man was I surprised to find out that your punk ass penned it. This is mostly a very well written piece and as I just finished it a second time I can't help notice the first paragraph could double as your truthful dating profile info. I watch you day after day with your pussy mouthing way of mostly just keeping your wee ass from being held accountable for the narcissistic shit following out of your mouth. Your manly wife's "guy gaze of hate" scares no one but the kids, and who wants to be eaten by a bitch with a growth life that on her face. And fear not for your story book ending, it's coming. Tic, tic, tic. and I'm going to get to join me in my world. And then, you pretty little baby gap sized shit eater, in my realm I'm going to teach you who gets to be on top when your having prison sex.(It's who ever wins the wrestling bout, You little fly weight butt hole polisher.) I can't wait to listen to what you have to say when the line of cocks waiting to quiet the sounds and insults you can't seem to control with your new tiny pinch of authority acting as "King Nothing". I watch as you berate the people who are forced to listen to your abusive verbal discharge while you never actual do a fucking thing. Remember, those of us here who know you and the way you verbally abuse workers who have to labor around you, white at best you fucking stand around and not doing a single thing day after day but, ininsult the people who are.
Then you insist on persocuting and harassing othets for what ever petty reason that you pull out of your hat for the day. Then there are those I've watched shut your mouth I the blink of an eye by offering to allow you to take shot in that cocksucker between your lips or shut the fuck up. When a real man personally won't take your shit and tells you to shut it. If you don't victimize your self you threaten to have the police or legal system do your lifting. You, sir, are a stain. You have only been anything more than a mouthy pussy with no right to even speak to the people here but 2 days. And we have already as a unit recognized you to be just a blow hard bully wanna be and already see you are a waste of skin with no desirable skill or talent to work on a position of customer service at any level. The drug douche who's place your trying to operate in was at least not actually hate the who lived here. He was a genuinely stupid ass hat, like you but, he was only a fucking abusive ass to his girlfriend. I would like to take you, him and ask the others like you and stuck you in a MMA cage with the manager we for years. He didn't have to be an asshole and try to make you do what you should have already been doing. There were young decent families here when he ran things fairly. I never saw him be vindictive a single time in any of the incidents I observed him take charge of and diffuse for the better of the whole complex. I also watched him go from o to 100 several times when one of the unmanageabe drunks got out of control or began to become aggressive or abusive. Any I watched as those same people thanked him the next day for not elevating the situation it being an ass. This complex was improving immensely for years under his guidance. If love to be able to see what trying to do the same things by using lies abuse and bullshit that you use and do more than suck up all of it oxygen in our neighborhood praising yourself and lying about all the "work" you really didn't do any of yourself. Remember, that when your giving your progress reports to Oliver or the office in Denton. I hope i see what a happy pig you'ld be with a nice big fat slap comes your way for any of a bunch of things you deserve one for. It just might be from me but your pussy pride probably couldn't handle one from a girl. I hope you come down in flames and land on another dick like the one your breath always smells like.

Smiling Pig said...

Awe, a pussy punk bitch who can't even pen their name to this bike spewing from that anus you call a mouth. FUCK YOU if you hide behind an anonymous post. Man up DICK LICK, sign your name to this, you say you know me, then you know I don't back down from anyone and I back my play. You're the PUSSY MOUTH FACE FUCKED PUNK. Wasn't your name in jail called Belly Boy?🥴💨🖕

Smiling Pig said...

And BTW, I got your nasty ass along with your nasty ass family off this property. You had every chance to bow up to me, but you didn't after you saw I don't scare or back down from anyone, least of all you. Sign your name Cunt Lips.

Smiling Pig said...

It just dawned on me, I'm replying to a dead POS,😂. Glad you're dead gone and I do hope it was a lingering death and you could feel the life leaving that sack of shit you called a body. After all the people you fucked over and ripped off and caused the amount of financial hardship you did with your illegal leases and keeping their money causing me to evict them, but in all reality, they weren't any different than you. A bunch of theiving drug addicts living off honest people. Unlike you, I'm highly educated, hold degrees. Your only claim to fame was being mayor in a podunk town where you were arrested for possession of crack cocaine and meth, then doing it in the mayors office. You didn't even hold the office for a year. That shit you smell is your upper lip.

An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...