Well the move is over and the fun of unpacking it all and trying to figure out where it all goes has just begun. I cannot even begin to fathom where I am going to put it all. I feel like pulling George Carlin and renting me a place for all my "stuff" and just storing it all and start all over. I have stuff that I do not even remember having before this move. But another plus, I did find things that I thought I had lost or that had developed legs and walked off, which reminds me I owe my daughter an apology.
From apples carved from cherry wood, (which to me doesn't make much sense, would think that apple wood would have been more suitable) to ivory zebras, I have unearthed, rather unpacked a lost Pier 1 shipment. I have carved Mexican onyx frogs, Tesla balls, fossils from several extinct periods, antique tins, civil war era ceramic marbles, coins and paper money from all over the world, Russian and North Vietnamese military medals, old small furring traps and believe it or not, an old lobster trap. The list only grows longer as I rummage through box after box. You would think it would be a nostalgic trip down memory lane, but in fact most of it was impulse buys or something that someone else discarded and I thought I could find another use for it. Yeah I did, I found a use for it all right, something else for me to drag around trying to think of a better use for it.
I did come across Linda's Thomas Kincaid lighted Christmas village, I opened each of the styrofoam encasements and set them out on the dining room table. I remembered when she started collecting them. Every other month a new piece to the village would show up in the mail and she would set it on the wine cabinet and display that one piece until the next came, then she would put it away with the others. I could remember the Christmas she had finally collected all fourteen homes, churches and other assorted pieces with all the little figurines and accessories, then displayed them in the front window. I remember going to furniture store after furniture store looking for a table of the right width, height and depth to display it on then buying styrofoam blocks of varying thicknesses and the cotton blanket to simulate snow. Pulling up into the drive that first evening and seeing the little twinkling lights in the windows when she finally had it all arranged just right will always remain with me. Maybe this year I will set it out for her.
As for the rest, I believe it is destined for a yard sale. I know I will never find room for it all in something half the size I moved out of. The hard part is trying to figure out what I will and will not keep. Seeing how I do not plan on doing any lobstering, the lobster trap will definitely be a yard sale bargain. As it is now, my home looks like a warehouse and it is not my style at all.
On Another Note
The other evening after finally having my internet up and running I happened to notice someone logon that I had not talked to in a while so I thought I would say hello to them. Maybe I shouldn't have because what I was told by them caused me great concern. Not for them, they were fine, but for putting my trust in someone and having it betrayed. Seems this person would be literally ganged up on in the chat rooms, not for her own personal actions, but because of someone else they were close to. They had confided in me in great detail what was going on and I in turn had talked to someone else about this, making it known of the confidence placed in me in learning of all of this. I was told by the other person that it sounded like the one having the problem and the one taking the brunt of the abuse were the same person and I should just step back from it and not associate myself with it. I in turn agreed with them and thought too that it could be just another little internet soap opera unfolding and decided to do nothing at all about it. I again reiterated that this was told to me in confidence and I was assured it would go no further than between me and them. Big mistake, I guess the person I confided in felt as if they needed to get involved themselves and in doing so passed on to that person what I had told them.
Two things I do not like doing, one is dropping bombshells and the other is dropping a dime on someone else. When I talk to someone on here or in life, what I am told never leaves me whether I am asked not to talk about it or not. I do not feel it is my place to pass on something someone has told me to anyone else. I can say I do keep another's confidence and I will not betray it or at least try not to. Maybe in the past I have made exceptions, especially if I had reason to be concerned about what I was told, but only then to another I know has and equal concern for that person as I do will I say anything. Beyond that, I feel it is no one else's business and if they should be one privileged to know then they will get it from the same source I did and not from me.
I feel betrayed, hurt and disappointed that this person would have done that after all the conversations we have had in the past and them knowing that I had never breached their trust in me in what was confided in me. I guess I need to reassess my priorities in this specific area and just stick with the superficial bullshit that most seem to feed on.
On The Lighter Side
The animals seem to be adjusting slowly to the move. I can tell it has been hard on them though. They are not used to all the different noises they have encountered since moving here. A far cry from the sounds of birds, squirrels, raccoons, crickets and the other familiar sounds they grew up with in the country. They do seem to enjoy the sights of cars driving down the street though. I have seen them on several occasions all lined up on the back of the couch looking out the window watching the cars drive past. It kind of reminds me of a crowd watching a ping pong match though.
I did have to rescue my tailless Manx, Stubbuns out of the crepe myrtle tree in the back yard though. Seems that my neighbors on both sides own very large dogs he found very intimidating and decided he would be safer on higher ground. They are a far cry from the chihuahua and toy poodle he is used to tormenting with his hit and run tactics, with those two he knew that their bark was worse than their bite, I guess he figured out with the neighbor's dogs it would have been quite the opposite. So I drug my 53 year old butt up the crepe myrtle tree trying not to think of the facial damage he could cause to me and gingerly lifted him out of the tree. With only minor lacerations to my scalp, as he felt that my head was the safest perch to be on and that the dogs would have to go through me to get to him, he let me climb down with him and take him into the house. He has been sleeping since then. I think next time I will just leave him there and see how long it takes him to realize that he is surrounded by a fence on all sides.
Footnote: On Another Note:
Well I had a conversation tonight with who I thought had broken a confidence and after speaking with them the truth surfaced as to what really transpired. Knowing this person as I do and for the length of time I have, I am going to say what they told me makes more sense than what I was told by the other. Seems what we have here is someone trying to start trouble for some reason. Or for no reason at all.
And to this person may I post to her verbatim so there will not be a misunderstanding in any of this:
Friend: ur invis? i need to talk to u. ur blog concerned me?
RONALD WOOD: did you talk with _-_-_-_?
Friend: i got an offline, just a few lines
Friend: tell me more
RONALD WOOD: soram woon said that I needed not to talk to my friends about her..I asked her what she meant
Friend: ok
RONALD WOOD: she said that my friend said that I said I though she and her sister were same person
Friend: same person, shes a liar
RONALD WOOD: and that I broke her trust
RONALD WOOD: I am not worried Friend
Friend: and?
RONALD WOOD: I told her I didn't want to get involved with it
Friend: why was i involved?
RONALD WOOD: I know who my friends are and who I trust
RONALD WOOD: I was just concerned..
Friend: tell me why i was involved
RONALD WOOD: I told _-_-_-_ that I wasn't really upset about it
RONALD WOOD: all I did was talk to you and she said that you talked to her
Friend: me talk to who?
RONALD WOOD: to soram woon
Friend: u know me ron. i choose ppl i want to talk with
RONALD WOOD: yes I know.._-_-_-_ talked to me about it Friend..I am not worried about what she said
RONALD WOOD: and honestly I really do not believe any of it..
Friend: maybe that liar soyung saw me talking with usa chinaman. asking about soyungs ful address
RONALD WOOD: Friend..I am not worried about it..really..I'm not..
Friend: shes a liar, i talked to her in room once. she said she has own recipe, and pasted her recipe. i cheked online. i told her, its not hers. she copied it online
Friend: she posted something again. i said, why copy and not say who wrote the original
RONALD WOOD: I told soram that the im text she sent me was not a real chat file
RONALD WOOD: I knew because of the way it was formatted
Friend: haha. good u told her
RONALD WOOD: and it did not show time stamps
Friend: show her that ur not to be fooled
RONALD WOOD: it did not give either chinaman's or her sisters ID correctly
Friend: her aim online is to get money from ignorant ppl
RONALD WOOD: well...she has never tried that with me..she tried to work on me due to my age and the difference between our age..but I told her at that time that I was with YuYing
RONALD WOOD: so that did not work for her
Friend: good
Friend: if i will see her in room in the future, i gonna insult her
RONALD WOOD: well..I just ignore her now
RONALD WOOD: as if she does not exist
Friend: maybe, that chinaman_usa was telling the truth after all
RONALD WOOD: I don't believe either one of them
RONALD WOOD: I think they both playing games
Friend: seems they are
Friend: i had a bot before, he thinks it was soyung
RONALD WOOD: but they best part about it is that they sucked bond right into the big middle of it
Friend: after insulting soyung, he pm my bot. saying hello i missed u
RONALD WOOD: well..I guess he falls into the ranks of the ignorant then
Friend: theyre both players
RONALD WOOD: yes..I think so..
Friend: they cant fool us
RONALD WOOD: and Friend..I do want to say I am sorry and I will delete the entry
Friend: so, from ur blog, u think i talked to soyung and told her something?
RONALD WOOD: that is what she told me
Friend: make a blog, another one. mentioned my name and her
Friend: say we talked
Friend: dont delete the entry
RONALD WOOD: I will just edit the one I already posted..a footnote
Friend: say u and i talked. say, i dont talk to just anybody, not like a liar like her
RONALD WOOD: I will let it be known what was said
Friend: ok, and say, i choose who i talk with. i dont talk to just anyone
Friend: when did she tell u about this?
RONALD WOOD: about a week ago
RONALD WOOD: two day before I posted the blog
Friend: ahh..cos am not around anymore?
RONALD WOOD: well..she did not say when she spoke to you..I asked her several times
RONALD WOOD: but she could not tell me exactly when
Friend: she cant answer, cos we never did
Friend: ask her chat convo. tell her to produce cos i save all convos
RONALD WOOD: Friend..I will post the truth now..I asked her and now all of a sudden she doesn't archive anything
Friend: shes a liar la, maybe she wanted to start a fight. i can insult her big time if i see her in chat
RONALD WOOD: lol..I know you will..and as I told _-_-_-_ when she got upset when she thought someone was talking about you, that you can handle yourself..she said she was going to crush them for messing with her little sister
Friend: haha
Why do I believe this person over the other one? That is very simple to answer, they have never lied to me, they have no reason to. I should have known better to begin with than to have thought that this person would ever do anything as what I thought they did and I want to take this opportunity to tell them how deeply sorry I am for ever thinking any different.
Welcome back Dear Ron and thank you for comments to my posts you missed during your move.
I have moved out of here only once for two years but I came back so it's probably not the same thing. Coincidentally Hitomi and I have talked over the fact of moving to another city.
The thought of so many boxes is frightening especially since you say they contain things that you don't need. Send them to charity sales is what my friend Aya did and I really must do the same with things I have stored in our utilities apartment.
The sound of your Christmas village sounds lovely and you setting it up once more is a wonderful tribute to her memory. I hope to see an image of that one day.
I also hope to see that story you promised me (laughs).
Your "On another note" sounds like gossip and we all know Jazz loves a little gossip - meet me in private messaging (laughs louder). But don't take a single point of view as proof positive of something. Consider how it was said, what the key points were and more importantly why it was said in such a way. It has obviously stirred emotion within you because I see it in the way you wrote this.
Trust is a very fragile thing Ron, even with your age and experience and my father too, trust is sometimes misplaced. Yes we see people earn it and we feel comfortable with that but just like a lover's betrayal, the betrayal of trust is equally as hurtful.
We live, we learn, we experience and with new people we can sometimes repeat these painful cycles.
Do not re-assess your priorities on this. You are fine just way you are and bullshit simply isn't your style even if you have other faults as we all do. You want to take and give them BS that's fine. It takes a discerning eye to spot those who are worth that little bit more and that eye is blackened when we are betrayed but that is no reason to lie down and die.
(Metaphorical not literal!!!)
Hope to talk and catch up soon
I think previous comment looks out of place since you edited and added footnote.
Conversations written down!
I don't remember conversations that I've had with...
let's say friends at the club.
What they told me six months ago might be forgotten unless really outstanding like one of them is pregnant! But really its the feelings and the directions we went in from there.
Who cares what friend A said about person B?...
Mine is a pointless comment too!
Let me forget it all and just say this:
If you think it's worth it, like a feeling you feel or a thought and an opinion you have of the magic moments you shared with your grandchildren or a argument you had with a college, write it down and express the feeling.
Write it down if you think it's worth saving. If not....
Remember to recycle!
(Just my opinion)
And as always, your opinions are well regarded.
I think I should recycle more often.
I think, in the future, we have to think carefully what to write before publishing them? I wouldn´t mind my name mentioned here if I´m involved.
Some of you knew me, that I don´t talk to just anyone. I choose people who I talk with. I found SOYUNG a liar the first time I saw her/him in chat rooms. Don´t let people play your mind cos they are women! Men are weak when it comes to women, especially if they cry in front of you. Then, you believe them!
Just be careful. I know people are capable of ruining friendships.
Ling Ling, Life is a lesson in progress, we learn as we live, some lessons come early in life, some late. Unfortunately this was a lesson learned the hard way. But once burned, twice learned, which is the way I have learned most of my lessons in life.
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