Okay, this isn't what I wanted to post but it seems I am getting carried away with it and I need to edit it and delete some things. I know if things get too long in a blog it will get to be tedious and then people give up on reading it. Besides that I have been very busy this past week with getting things done around here in order to move to my new place. You never really realize how much you have until you start packing boxes and I am bewildered to say the least. Between this and my storage unit I could honestly stock a small thrift store and not have to replenish the shelves for a year.
I also found myself getting side tracked and my attention easily diverted, not to mention the usual interruptions that seem to inadvertently break up the monotony during the course of my evening. Anyway, during one of these lulls I noticed someone come online that it had been a while since we had last talked. So using that as an excuse to stop what I was doing I sent them a message, I should have stuck to writing my post, because what I got back from just saying "hi, haven't seen you online in while." set off a tirade beyond description. I was starting to feel as if I was the source, the root of everything that ever went wrong in their life. I was admonished in ways I never thought I could be before. How a simple hi went awry I will never know.
If I am the cause of what they are feeling, I would like to know what it is that I have done. But I am not going to lose any sleep over it, nor will I pour over archives reading late into the night trying to figure out what it is that I could possibly have done. So pfft...they really need to get over it. One thing I noticed though, they seemed to get even more upset because I was not asking what it was they were upset about or if it was even directed at me. Damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Well I finally started moving, of course working by the hour the movers showed up late, but they came ready to work, I could tell that by the donuts and soft drinks that they were scarfing down. I offered them a napkin to wipe their hands with and one guy said, "Hell, its only furniture." So I answered, "Yes it is, but it is not your furniture." Things went pretty good, so about half way into the job I decided to give the driver the check. I handed over to him $800.00 and you would have thought I just handed him his time card, cause they started going slower. Before that, they were moving pretty fast, but it seemed what I was doing was much more interesting to them than doing what they were just paid for. So about 3:30pm they had finally finished unloading the boxes and furniture at the new house when the excuses started coming. "If I had known you had so much stuff I would have drove a bigger truck, but it looks like we going to have to make another load out of it." I said "You think? You didn't even move a complete room, you can't set up my bed because you left the foot board behind, can't use my couch because you left the cushions behind. Now I have to lug this ice chest full of food back to the old place because you couldn't get the refrigerator." "Well I didn't realize you had so much." was his reply. I asked him what part of my conversation over the phones had he not understood when we went through the physical inventory of the house? He said he understood all of it, just didn't realize it was so much.
Then came the insult to the injury, it was then he informed me that he would have to come back Monday to finish up the job and that it may cost more than the agreed upon price of the $800.00 he quoted. I reminded him that he told me 6 hours maximum at $100.00 per hour and that with $800.00 everything would be moved in one day. He then informed me that they had got a late start because they had got lost. I asked him how he had managed to get lost using a gps. "I dunno, I just did, it must have been when we turned at the wrong water tower." he informed me. This coming from someone who's ad stated that they having been moving people through out this area for over 25 years. I asked him if he expected me to pay for him getting lost and he said no, I then reminded him that they did not show up until 10am that morning and did not start to move any furniture until 30 minutes later and now you want to stop at 3:30pm. I let him know he still had $300.00 of mine to finish the move, how did he figure that it would cost me more? He then stated to me that our appointment time was for 9am that morning, I could not stop laughing and he looked at me as if I had been stricken with some sort of hysterical fit. I asked him what time he showed up again and he said 10 this morning. I said so you were late then and failed to inform me that you were late due to you getting lost, but you do not expect me to pay you for getting lost and then want to charge me from 9am to 3:30pm. I told him that he had breached our agreement when he failed to show at the appointed time without informing me. Anyway, he said daddy would call me first thing Monday morning and I then told him to be sure and tell daddy my attorney was going to read to him the Theft of Services law in this state.
So, I think the first day went pretty smooth, even thought I had to sleep in a recliner that evening and this evening will be the same. I am thinking about adding emotional distress, mental anguish and liability to my next conversation with daddy.
As I lay in my recliner that evening it dawned on me why the company had chosen such a name, not easy for the public to remember, but I guess when you sign your name with an X, using the first letter of the alphabet and the first number, they can always make sure the check is made out correctly.
P.S. This will be my last post for a while, they won't physically hook up my internet until I am in the house nor send me my router until then. Take care and I hope to see you soon.
1 comment:
Two weeks is a short time to wait for a story and another week looms because you are moving home. It is still nice to see what happens in Ron-World.
Becoming strangers is as easy as becoming friends but 'hostile strangers' usually tells us that there was something unsaid and it being left out became spoiled.
Regardless of fault and blame perhaps apologizing and calm the other person first and then endeavor to search the root cause together?
I think this method is far better than returning anger with more anger. Because this can place a retrievable situation further out of your reach.
I hope your move, when it comes is smooth. It can be a stressful experience. I often wonder that if mankind has striven to make this world a better place, then why is there so much more stress today than there ever was in the past?
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