Being born male I am afflicted with a genetic deficiency known as "Foot in the Mouth Disease" and once again it seems it has manifested itself. The most prevalent symptom to this disease is "assuming or assumption" and knowing this one would think I would know when this malady is about to afflict me and I could curtail the oncoming idiocy. The male ego and machismo seems to mask the symptom and disguise it with the "they will understand" endorphin and I continue on with the inevitable stupid thinking that will eventually lead to suffering an onslaught of this deficiency.
The history of this gender specific genetic disability is as old as man himself and goes back to when he assumed that his role in life was to be the king of his castle or the cock of the walk, whichever he chose to display himself. It has caused the ruin of many relationships in the past and the demise of many good friendships. Through out history when it has been given an illustration it has always been with a male image, whether painted, chiseled in stone, drawn in pen and pencil or written about. It is proof without doubt that through the ages man, (the male and not figuratively speaking) is his own worst enemy and if today is any evidence that these things that have been witnessed to time and time again in the past through the present, I do not see any chance of the gene becoming dormant or evolutionarily changed. Man will always be man and he is hell bent on wearing that same worn out coat he has inherited and will most likely pass it down to his progeny.
As my previous post attests to and demonstrates very well, I have proved that the gene is alive and well, thriving unchanged.
I guess what this is, is my feeble attempt at an apology for thinking I could post what I did without thought of any consequences. Again my thoughts have cost me something very dear to me and I will bear this scar with shame for what I have done when all I would have had to do was think and then not post it.(hindsight being 20/20) It is said that it is best to be thought a fool than to open mouth and erase all doubt. I guess that is why in school it was always the boys that dusted the erasers, maybe the teacher's subliminal lesson that as we grow we should realize that there are consequences to our actions and that we will forever be trying to erase some mistake we have made.
This is not an excuse for my stupidity, just a realization that consideration for another should come first.
これは私の愚かさに対する弁解、ただもう1(つ・人)に対する考慮が最初に来るべきであるという認識ではありません。 より遅れている
Post Script: I guess I will stick to fiction in the future.
1 comment:
Don't be too hard on yourself... if we could, anything and everything could be prevented. Have faith in your friends.
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