There is a saying I grew up with when someone throws something at you that you weren't quite expecting. "Out of left field." There is one I talk to on here who is quite gifted when throwing something at me out of left field. I came across a video I thought was quite humorous, albeit a little graphic, but the jist of the video was like an old "Candid Camera" clip and I thought they would see the humor in it too, so I sent the link. To my chagrin they asked, "Do you like porn?" and like any noble gentleman I answered as honestly as my modesty would let me, "When I as younger I liked it very much." I continued saying that after a while it all gets to being about the same and I did not delve into it that much now. Then another fast one came out of left field, "I Like it." It took the better part of five minutes to get my lower jaw reacquainted with my upper teeth. Not that they haven't in the past thrown a few "zingers" in my direction and usually with the same dumbfounded reactions from me. If fingers could stutter, mine would have been.
I guess one thing I appreciate the most about this person and what endears them to me is the openness in which we can talk. No topic barred and there are no retributions for what has been said. Even those times we part and I feel a bit chaise for being called out on something. I keep forgetting that this person reads me like a book for the most part and there are times they know what I am going to say before I say it to them. But we can talk and not feel any guilt for anything that is said. One of the few I have met that when talking about sex does not lead to sex. Politics do not lead to arguments. Lifestyles does not lead to prejudiced thoughts. I do not think I have met anyone like them and I have a feeling people like them are few and far between. So it is that when one is fortunate enough to meet one such as them, you do not want to lose them from your life. That is how I feel.
I have been "accused" by some of being in love with this person. Yes, in a sense I am, but not in the sense you might think. It is something one would feel between the love they would feel for a daughter and the love they would feel for a woman. There have been some that are jealous of this and it has caused friendships to crumble and fall apart. They say I put this person before too many things and maybe I do, but they do not understand why I do and I do not bother to explain it to them. I have been told I had a choice to make, to pick them or this one I am writing about. I am still talking to the one I am writing about and if given the option to choose again in the future, I would still want to keep what we have with this person.
I have never explained why and maybe I do not really know why I feel the way I do about them, I have never questioned it, I just accept it and I am very happy they are in my life. I can say one thing, when all others have turned away, walked away and left me standing in the cold, this one has always been there with a warm word. They do not judge me nor do they question me, they do however impart a bit of themselves. For one to be so young in their life, within them they hold the wisdom of many years.
So again, even though I have said it many times before, I want to thank this person for always being there when needed, for lifting me up, putting a smile on my face and giving me the chance to knock the dust from my life and keep seeing tomorrow. I will forever in my life be indebted to them for what of themselves they have given me.
My wonderful and beautiful friend, this one is for you, knock it out of left field.
The clip you sent me was not just candid camera, please be as honest on your side of this story as you are of my side!
The clip was of a girl, naked and a sex act later after the funny part.
Is this a normal thing you send to a female friend?
I think not, but you know our relationship do not hide behind social and cultural barriers.
So of course because you sent to me this I can ask "Do you like porn?"
I even give to you a link of porn videos that I like.
Yes it's ok for some girls to like porn also. I am lesbian and openly so and SOME of the videos of girls on the site I sent you are in videos that cater for a females desires and not produced for male audience alone!
You have painted a nice picture of yourself with a halo and I wear horns (Laughs) I never expected such an account on your blog. As I have said somewhere in one of my blogs, we often project ourself as our imagined ideal and not our actual self.
On my part I don't care to be unashamed and hide the fact that inside I have human feelings, needs, likes and desires.
Yes in proper places I have my sense of propriety but in a private message to a close friend I can be honest about myself. After all, you sent me the naked girl first!
By posting my remark I can freely admit it is I that you talk about.
Also you have swing in from left field too (did I say that right?)
Who says you in love with me?
Oh i like your explanation"!
Shall I call you Papa as you lick my neck? (Hysterical laughs)
Let me re-write your blog:
I, Ron, was being my usual angelic self was contemplating the spiritual nature of life when suddenly this mad woman in a wanton frenzy forced me to watch improper images.
I joke you.
I said not to pay attention to the last part of the clip or rather close it out before that part was playing. It was the walk around town I was talking about, not the finale and yes, I did find that funny. I did warn you that it was graphic, but I was not thinking about the porn aspect at the time, just the situation.
No Momo, it is not something I would normally send to a female friend, but I thought we understood each other enough and that you knew I did not mean anything by it other than what I talked to you about.
We have been able to talk about many things in the past and would like to think our relationship can stand up to the candid openness we have shared, at least I like to think it could.
I was not trying to paint a nice picture of myself or make you look as if I saw you as something you aren't. You out of anyone know who and what I am. I believe my past post do not see me in the light you "interpreted" here and I am not trying to cast myself as some innocent angel accosted by a vamp. The beginning of my post was not to slight you in any way at all, but at times I have had to take a double take because your frankness is something I am not used to. I am no angel and I have never said I was nor am I any kind of innocent victim, quite the opposite, I have done and acted out more than my share on here and some I am not very proud of, but none the less I take responsibility for my actions and I do not blame anyone but myself for the things I have done.
If I were ashamed of who I am or what I have done, I would not talk about them, I would not posted thing I have in the past nor would I have talked to you about them. I would have just put them in the closet with the rest of the "skeletons".
The first part of the post was nothing more than what it was, nothing derogatory and nothing to cast you in a pallid light. As for as your lifestyle, I have told you many, many times, I do not see you as anything other than you are, Momo, not Momo the lesbian, but rather as Momo my friend.
With you I have gone to places within myself I would not go with anyone else, if the end of your comment is how you see me, so be it, that is how you saw me at that moment. But by no means did anything I post was meant to be in a demeaning manor or a reflection of a judgmental nature of you or who you are.
In the future I will refrain from such topics in my blogs and if I upset you or hurt you in any way, I am sorry, it was not meant to slight you at all. You are special to me in ways I cannot explain, but not in ways that would be considered immoral or improper. It is not as if I sit and masturbate thinking "damn she is hot, got to get me some of that."
Many times you have been there when no one else was and never have you judged me for what I have done, maybe that is why I feel I can talk to you and tell you some of the things I have in the past.
I am not making any excuses here for my actions, just hope to clarify why I did it.
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