An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas! I want to thank everyone for visiting my little corner of the ether this past year and I hope each found something that piqued your interest.

During this festive and reflective time of the year I hope you each find a moment or two to look back and reminisce on something that makes this season special to you. I am happy I was able to share a few of my thoughts with every one who happened to stumble upon my page, but I am pleased that you took a moment to see what was here.

Now, on to my seasons greetings.

It seems that during this time of year we find ourselves hurrying about trying to beat the crowds that always seem to know exactly where we are going to be. Trying to find that certain gift that will make someone's Christmas morning bright. Whether it be for a loved one or friend, we each try our best to make the gift memorable for them. Each year I am asked what I would like for Christmas and each year I answer a smile. I think that is the most memorable gift I could receive from anyone, for in that smile is reflected their joy and surprise that will embed itself in our memory. With each smile being as unique and different as snowflakes and each will have it's own memory.

Kelly, you have made each Christmas special to me throughout your 26 years, from your first Christmas where you thought that the wrapping and bows were more attractive than the present inside. I could not ask for a more wonderful daughter than you, I want to say that I am very proud of you and I couldn't love you more. You have given to me such wonderful joy and have made my life full. You have given me smiles that are attached to memories that I know will always be with me. Know that you will always be my favorite memory. I love you Kelly.

Jeremy, my first born grandson. I can remember your first Christmas vividly as you tore into presents that weren't even yours. Now it is your seventh Christmas and I am looking forward to sharing it with you. The joy that is reflected like a twinkle in your eyes each Christmas morning is brighter than the year before.

Coby, your cherub face always brings a smile to my heart as you quiz me relentlessly with all the whys you have running around in that head of yours. But it seems each Christmas those whys you have turn into oh's and ah's as your eyes as large as silver dollars take in all the sights the season offers. I can't wait to see them this coming Christmas morning.

Shelby, (aka Dinkey), Mr. Smile himself. Your second Christmas little man and I can already see that mischief in your eyes as you sidle over to the tree to see if that was a piece of tape that wasn't adhered very well. Stuffing that mouth with as many cookies and pieces of fudge it can hold and leaving those little chocolate finger prints all over each package. I guess that explains why the dogs like to sit next to you when it is time to open presents, they can lick the wrapping.

Momo, the one I have found that feels the joy of giving is what the spirit of the season truly defines. To take that day set aside for family and to give it to those who cannot be with theirs that day. You are more than a shining example. I want to thank you for just being who you are and to let you know that I am very honored to know you, even if only in this way. You have opened my eyes and taught me to see with my heart. I am forever indebted to you for all you have given to me.

And so to all as the song goes, "Although it's been said many times many ways, Merry Christmas to you..."

Know each and everyone holds a place in my heart and each has given me smiles that I will always remember.



Jazz said...

A Merry Christmas to your family members is best done face to face, but it this instance it is nice for your blog readers to see the introductory thought you have regrading even one.

I never expected to see 'Momo' on your list, thank you very much. Christmas eve is the most important day here, this is the one you share with your loved one. Our restaurant is full on this evening. Christmas is not really associated with the Christian faith because finding a Christian person here is rare. We are more of the commercial side and more importantly, the sense of peace and the sense of charitable spirit. Many many people here think of the less fortunate on this day, so please do not single me out as different.

By 26th we remove Christmas from our life and get ready for New Year which is the big event.

Merry Christmas Ron \(^v^)/

Smiling Pig said...

Merry Christmas Momo, but still you do make the season a little brighter for many. Takes more than one light to make a tree shine, I just think personally that you shine brighter than most.


An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...