Merriam-Webster defines trust as "a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b: one in which confidence is placed".
How can someone elaborate on it anymore than the definition states? To be able to hold in confidence with someone their ability to hold to the character displayed and believe in their trustworthiness. That no matter what is said between the two, whatever they transact as being solely between themselves would never be breached and that foundation on which formed that belief in each other would remain steadfast and could not be corrupted by any means outside of the two.
Trust, the foundation all relationships are built on, whether it be a friendship, business partnership or romantic relationship, it is all based on trust in the other. Believing that they will always be the one confidant, the one fence post that anchors the relationship. It is what all else is built on, even before you can love someone, you have to trust them. Before you can develop a bond of friendship, you have to trust them, before you share finances with them, again, you have to trust them. Everything we do through out or life, trust plays a hand in everything, from buying a car to giving your heart.
I like to think I can trust every one until they give me reason not to any longer. I do not go into anything with not trusting, I may be wary at first, but that does not mean I do not trust them. Like anything, you test the waters at first, you start with little things that would not harm you to see how they handle it, to see if there reason to take that trust further. Little by little that trust is built and a union is formed based on that.
It is when that trust is breached that the foundation starts to crumble. At first insignificant little cracks appear, but nothing that you feel that cannot be patched and go on with the relationship. But soon even those patches weaken and the cracks deepen and soon you feel that the trust has been compromised and the foundation starts to crumble bringing in on you everything that had been built. You are blind to all of the things you found positive in this and can only see the faults now. Of everything that went wrong, of each untruth of each violation of your trust. We no longer see that person as we once saw them, we can only see them for their wrongs now. Some say they can forgive and get on with life, but from personal experience I have found that is not true. I broke that trust in another and they have yet to forgive me and I do not see then doing so.
Can trust be regained? I think it can in some instances, where pride does not stand in the way or where you feel enough for this person still to want to rebuild that which you once had. It is a long tedious process, much longer than it took when that trust was first given, because everything before is now in doubt. They do not see you as the same person as they first did. It is much more fragile now though, not as strong as it first was and never will be again. And once that trust has been rebuilt it has to be maintained. You cannot get complacent nor take it for granted or think you can ever get away with violating that trust again. Then it will never be rebuilt.
Think of what you have to lose, it could be the most precious thing you have, because once lost, it is never found again.
I see trust as to accept or believe it or them without verification. I see it as a faith.
I trust you with my 10 yen.
(2 cents)
I felt this was a close topic for you but it felt to me as if it was written with ice cold cold aloofness and the neutral safety of distance. You could have added a personal view of both sides of the coin.
How you felt when someone lost faith in you and then how you felt when you lost faith in someone.
Personalize it with the human touch. It brings the emotionless description of hard light of day into the tactile warmth of a human interest story.
A word or phrase strikes me and it gnaws at me until I say something about it. It is just my personal comment about trust and in some sense it does mirror something of what I felt when I wrote it or rather what I caused, I just wrote it in third person so it wouldn't look at if I were wearing my heart on my sleeve (again).
Maybe looking at it from a distance would help me understand better for the reasons why and then not to repeat myself if the moment ever presents itself again.
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