On the previous post I basically gave my thoughts as to how I see the so called Secret Society based on an ancient Greek manuscript written 2300 years ago that would bring one riches, fame and romance and what type of person these cons are targeted at. It still amazes me to think that someone has the audacity to try and take it a step further by trying to tap in on another type of person that has sought a cure to their addictions or afflictions, whether born with them or through the course of their actions has become dependent on them. I am talking about the addicts and the physically impaired. They claim that by becoming a member that you can rid yourself of bad habits, addictions and be healed of your physical impairments, that where medical science has no cure that this is your cure. This through out their literature has no disclaimer as to its truth in healing those, so it would lead one to think that where they thought all hope was lost that within these words lies their cure. Playing on the fact that these people have spent thousands of dollars already searching for a way to rid themselves of an addiction or a cure for their affliction they touch on the idea that this is the answer you have been looking for.
It leads one to believe or rather they try and lead you to believe that within these teachings is a cure all to whatever ails you, whether it is physical, emotional or financial it is the source to the answers to all your problems. They go as far to claim that people born blind gained their sight, that people who were crippled were able to walk again, wreaked marriages reunited and made stronger than before, drug, alcohol and gambling addictions cured, people with social disorders reentering society and the deaf hearing. A one stop shop for anything you are looking for. Some of the testimonials even go as far as to say the moment they placed their hands on this heirloom text that they immediately felt its power coursing through them and they felt all their troubles dissolving. That "miracles" began to take place in their life and things that were wrong in their life were set right.
But I found that they contradicted themselves here, they claim to cure you from addictions. As most know gambling addictions rank right up their with alcohol and drug addiction and yet they claim they can cure someone of this even though they say that once you accept the invitation to enter this secret society you will never again lose at a game of chance. See the flaw here? Why would someone addicted to gambling and losing all of their money, home and family want to quit gambling at this point if all they have to do is become a member and recoup all those years of loss? I would be more apt to seek revenge on the gambling industry and break the bank, I mean after all knowing the secrets that the other society members do you can predict the next hand, roll of the dice, spin of the wheel or which slot machine is going to pay off next. It is in their acclamations they have cut themselves off at the knees and have no foot to stand on.
But can it cure other addictions such as alcohol, drug abuse and smoking? Of course it can, as matter of fact if Quaker Oatmeal printed on their packaging that by eating a bowl of oatmeal everyday for the rest of your life you can be cured from these three forms of addiction they too would be reaping the benefits of those seeking a cure and Americans would be much healthier for it. It would be no different than replacing one dependency with another. The first step in any rehabilitation of an addiction is to recognize and admit that you have a problem, the second is wanting to find a treatment and a support group and the third is having faith in yourself and realizing that it is only within you to pull yourself away from the addiction.
If what they offer could truly cure someone from these types of addictions you would find the ancient heirloom personalized copy at every AA meeting, every rehab clinic, oh wait a second here, what am I thinking? If these teachings could possibly do all that for someone there would be no use for such help and support groups. As a matter of fact they would be nonexistent, their halls and beds would be empty because for the mere sum of $139.95 anyone could be cured and have their lives and health restored with change in the bank to boot.
In one part of the orientation booklet it talks about physical abuse to a child witnessed by a society member at a fast food restaurant and how he rushed over with his personalized copy of the heirloom text and held it out towards a gentleman that was about to push his fist through his son's face and demanded that the man touch the book and upon doing so that gentleman instantly recognized the errors of his ways and instantly broke down into tears and hugged his son sobbing crying out his apology and then the son forgiving him. Another miracle manifested in the site of others. Now it would seem to me that someone would have dialed 911 and called the police if such a scenario was taking place and the man placed into custody and charged with child abuse, injury to a minor, disturbing the peace or a number of other charges in order to separate him from his desire to hit his son. Maybe someone did and upon the arrival of law enforcement they asked the society member for his statement and found that the man in question had touched his copy of the ancient heirloom writings and said, "Oh, no problem here I guess, this gentleman has been cured by the miraculous teachings of the ancient Greek text. We can see we are of no further use here and will be on our way." Would we really have a need for law enforcement if such a book could make such an impact on society? We would make sure that on every coffee table in America there was a copy of these ancient teachings because it would be through these text we would see the error of our ways and never raise a fist or voice at a loved one again.
Another part I find amusing and contradictory is that everyone wants to be your friend and that you will be able to thwart your enemies, bring them to their knees, read their minds and stay one step ahead of them as they plot against you. You will also know if there is someone trying to scam you out of your fortune. Do you see the the problem here? If everyone wanted to be your friend then why would you have any enemies? What would be there or rather who would be there for you to thwart? (damn I love that word "thwart") And how would you curtail someone trying to scam you out of your money, easy enough to answer, invite them too to become a member of the secret society that way they too can share in the bountiful wealth you have been reaping in.
They even play on those with a social disorder such as schizophrenia, "Have you ever felt like someone was out to get you? That everything you try seems to be working against you and then you constantly have this feeling you have been cursed or that there is a dark cloud hanging over you?" And then those with a bipolar disorder, "I have tried all kinds of things to overcome these feelings of having no self esteem. I read every self help book out there to find an answer. One day I would be happy and the next withdrawn and angry that nothing was going right. There was so much to memorize and to have to follow, but when I laid my hands on my personalized copy of the ancient Greek text all this seemed to melt away and I regained all my self esteem and life just got better from that point on." Who out there that suffers from this racking mental disorder would not want to be free of those demons that inhabit them? How low can someone go to play on something like this? To lead one to believe that the troubles that plague them could have been cured a long time ago by just accepting the invitation into the secret society. That these demons that haunt them would be cast out and their lives would be normal again.
A failed marriage or relationship mended and living happily ever after is another area they talk about. How through the teachings of this book and applying the knowledge of the ancient Greeks that your marriage problems will just go away and you and your spouse will be totally devoted to each other for the rest of your lives and then goes on to say that you will have the ability to see your future and that the wisdom of the ages will befall you and if it is not meant to be then you will move on in your life to find a more meaningful relationship. (by the way in all the testimonials they married famous actresses, models, singers and corporate leaders because they found that these people were fascinated by them and wanted to be in their presence all the time.) That you would know if your spouse or partner is cheating on you. That is easy enough to tell without the help of the ancient writings. Habits change, dress changes, attitude changes, they start distancing themselves from you and you notice they have new interests in life. It could not be more prevalent that something was going on if they hung a neon sign around their neck that they were cheating. It is called "getting a clue" something we all need to do.
It is as I read back on this post and the material that was sent to me that I realize just how stupid we as human beings truly are. That we have wasted so much time and squandered so much money on education, doctors, health insurance and counseling because we thought that in everything we had learned that common sense and a good education was the way to success and living that life we all dream of having. As I read the testimonials and all the fortunes that were bestowed upon on them by being one of the select few with those special abilities to be a part of such an honorable and noble sect and an exclusive member of the secret society I found myself wondering how I was going to spend my millions.
But reality sat in because I know there is no one pill cures all. This is nothing more than a modern day medicine show complete with hawker and the charms, fetishes and snake oils being offered neatly packaged and offered to those desperate enough to believe that finally someone is listening and knows what they are going through. They expound on the miraculous healing powers of their ointments and cure alls and then play on the misfortunes of the sick, weak and misguided. That they work on the misfortunes of others and their disparity and desperation offering them false hopes and empty promises to bring them good health and prosperity if they just take advantage of what is being offered to them, blinding them to the truth that they are the ones being taken advantage of. The only cure there is, the only way to success is through your own faith and hard work. That knowing that the only one who can affect a change in your life is yourself and finally realizing that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Stop looking for someone else to solve your problems and finding those answers to why your life is the way it is. All that you seek lies within yourself and just realizing that you are only limited by your own fears. That it is you and only you who can affect a change in your life and become successful. That does not mean you will be rich and that people are going to flock to you and beg you for your secret to how you made it in life, but rather happy with the idea that you are successful in doing what you are doing and happy at where you are in life. Open your mind to yourself and you will find you have all the tools necessary to make a change for the better in your life. If you truly want to change the way things are going you will make that change. It lies in you, not some 2300 year old ancient Greek writing, not in some web based pyramid scheme and especially not at the hands of someone else. You, me, we were all born with the ability to adapt, to change and to overcome what ever obstacles that have been placed before us. We have been given the ability to reason, to question and to find answers. Wisdom lies within each of us, experience gives us that wisdom we seek. Be strong and have faith in yourself and your own potential and capabilities.
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