She gave me encouragement when I needed it the most. Like the whisper of a breeze that cools a fevered brow she gave me comfort. She taught me to look into myself so that I might understand and grow. She taught me to step outside of myself and see me as others may. She offered so much of herself unselfishly, never asking for anything in return. Now I find myself thinking of her in her time of silent torment. Her fear she holds within not letting those close know the pain she is feeling and my heart cries for her now. What can I offer to comfort her? What can I offer to calm her fears? How can I return to her what she has given to me? This sweet delightful soul who dances in my thoughts and springs from my memory. This refuge once sought when the storms of life about me threatened me and cast me upon sands of doubt. Like a lighthouse she was there. A beacon above the storm beckoning to me, a safe harbor to calm my soul and quiet my fears.
She now rides upon the angry sea and is tossed in a turmoil of fear. Alone she bears this weight and asks no one to share it with her. Her words she offered can no one speak in like kind and return to her some of that strength she gave? In quiet agony she waits, waiting for that day to come. Trembling with thoughts of loneliness, looking for that safe harbor to rest. Does not anyone's light shine for her now? Cannot one be that rock she now needs to cling to?
My thoughts, hopes and prayers are now with her in this time of her need.
I miss our talks.
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