Like an unleashed behemoth it rolled in from the southwest in a furious onslaught of hurricane force winds, rain and hail that ripped through everything in its path. Leaving in its wake a path of destruction and dampened spirits as they dug out of the carnage of a typical spring storm in Texas.
It came in waves through out the afternoon and on into the evening hours. Each one more powerful than its predecessor in it strength as they began releasing the energy stored deep in its core. Mezo-cyclones they are referred to, with thunderheads towering up in excess of 35,000 feet and stored inside its massive semi-vaporous cloud a hell that has to be witnessed to believe. Very little is known about these unpredictable storms outside of the destruction they can cause and the torment they rain down of those unfortunate enough to be caught in its path. With ground lightning strikes in excess of 60+ an hour and torrential rains pelting down intermixed with hail at the rate of 2+ inches an hour and winds that can shear off trees to the ground like a lawn mower cutting grass can cause as much damage and loss of life as any made made weapon and when conditions are right can make them look like a child's toy when compared to their destructive force.
Some refer to this as a cleansing and other refer to it as nature's hell. Whatever it is called what it can do and in the short amount of time it takes for it to wreak its havoc on those less prepared for its onslaught of unbridled hell. Still they clean up after it passes, lamenting their losses and rebuilding their lives, slowly, methodically putting back the shattered pieces left in the storms wake.
These storms are usually born west of Mexico's Baja peninsula when an area of low pressure starts to absorb the Pacific's energy, gradually growing and building and then as the low pressure starts to move inland in a northeasterly direction to begin its long journey across what is known as the Tornado Belt of the U.S. Each spring this scene unfolds as the warm air from the south collides with the cooler air from the north. A dry front develops and along that front storms start unleashing their fury. Mezo-cyclones are the incubators for tornadoes, a hook will develop along the lee side of this storm and then rotating winds develop in what is known as a wall cloud. This area of the mezo-cyclone is very noticeable by its dark ominous wall shape. It is preceded by torrential rains and hail stones up to the size of softballs or grapefruit and ripping winds, all preparing the ground for the hell that is fixing to be unleashed. Then all goes quiet, suffocatingly still. No leaf stirs, no sounds are heard, then off in the distance you can hear a low roar, like that of a freight train or of a jet engine as the devil's tail starts to descend from the cloud to touch down in a horrendous clash of man and nature. One were man has never known to win. Complete towns have been erased in a matter of minutes, reduced to rubble and ruining countless lives. Roofs sheared, brick and stone hurled through the air like artillery projectiles not discriminate in its victims nor remorseful for its actions. Unbent and undeterred it will continue until the source that feeds it has been exhausted and as quick as it manifested itself it will leave.
If you have ever wondered what is was like to dance with the devil, a mezo-cyclone will offer you that chance. A dance where it will lead and you can only follow.
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