Being pulled deep into the center of a whirlpool of thoughts where the flotsam of the mind starts to bind together in a cohesive train of words. Compiling these words into a tangible and legible coherent meaning to try express what is in the mind and then convey that to another. When you can take an indecisive subject and turn it into an objective point of view. Maybe not in agreement with another's idea, but one that the author feels strongly about. The ability to be able to harness your thoughts and transpose them to writing is an art in itself and to be able to get some meaning out of it is what all those who do write try to achieve. Everyone has something to say, an experience to share or a thought to project, but the question is can everyone put to words that which lies inside them? I think they can, they only have to have the desire to do so. Being successful in his endeavors not only to entertain, but to educate too.
Desire, the one thing that drives everything we do or want to accomplish. No matter what you do if you do not have a desire to do it, you will never be proficient in doing it. You may learn the basics and do what it is you have to do to keep doing it, but you will never excel in it. You will just continue doing what you have always done. It is desire that is the driving force in being successful and exceeding even your own expectations.
With expectations, whose is it that you should live up to? Your own or the expectations of others? When we find ourselves trying to live up to another's expectations, to what another expects of us, then we are in for disappointment. You may receive praise for your efforts and momentarily be recognized for you work or contribution, but once that has settled down new expectations are placed upon you. I have found a lot of people confuse the difference between expectations and responsibility. It also gives them a scapegoat because you did not live up to what was expected of you. This is not really seeing your potential, it is living up to what others expect of you. Being able see your own potential and conveying that to others is when you will be able to start realizing what it is you can really do and understand the difference between expectations and true potential.
We all have potential, we just have to be able to understand what our potential is. Being complacent in life smothers our ability to see this within ourselves. Either we have just got so use to the life we are leading and thinking that we are happy doing it we have failed in realizing that what we really wanted out life. We have buried ourselves in doubts that we will never rise above where we are and we force ourselves to accept that which has been handed us and be happy with it. We have replaced our potential to succeed with complacency. Others may tell us that we are not living up to our true potential or that we have shown potential, but the only one who knows our true potential is ourselves. If in what we do we find interesting, challenging and something we enjoy then we have crossed that threshold in realizing what our potential is. It is that in where we seek to understand more of what it is we are doing, asking questions and searching answers wanting to know more. That is when our potential is starting to develop and grow and it is our accelerator as to how successful we will be. Our potential can be fueled, nurtured and supported in order to make the most of it and keeping it accelerating us forward. Potential is fueled by our inner momentum.
Momentum, how do we develop it or acquire it? It is that force within us that will propel us to succeed. It fuels our hunger to be successful and increases our drive to do so. It will determine how fast we will reach that pinnacle of success in our life. To gain or attain momentum in our life that will determine a successful outcome in our life we need to find that one thing that piques our interest, that satisfies us and makes us want to take it to the next level.
Merriam-Webster defines the obsolete success as outcome or result. The definition that we most are familiar with is a favorable or desired outcome, the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence. I believe we all have our own personal definition of success, not measured by someone else, recognized by others, yes. Success I feel is being happy with who we are and where we are at in life. Success is measured in many different ways, it is how we see it that defines it for each of us. Is there a formula for success? There is, but it is not found in infomercials or in the junk mail the postman stuffs our mailbox with or the spam that floods our inbox. No one except for ourselves can determine our success. No one can set us on the path to success nor can they lead us to it. That is something we must find for ourselves. No one carves out a place in life for us, we wield our own chisel and deliver our own blows with the hammer to shape our future, our own niche in life.
In this maelstrom of thoughts that I have tried to put some meaning to and maybe in my feeble attempt convey some measurable meaning of understanding offered in these words that I have given some something to think about. Whether you agree or not.
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