An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things Have Changed

I have been suffering an end of summer cold this past week and those can be so uncomfortable, especially at night trying to sleep. Normally when I cannot sleep I read. I have been reading a James Mitchener novel called "Caribbean" and I am over 3/4 through it, but having this cold I cannot seem to focus my mind to read, so I broke one of my taboos and turned on the television. This was the second time I have had it on since having it. Once when the cable man came to hook up cable I got for the grandkids and then again the other night. I again understood why I really do not care that much for television. One thing I did take a special interest in were the commercials and how much they have changed.

Watching one endorsement by a very famous actress, star of "A Fish Called Wanda", "True Lies", "Christmas with the Kranks" and many other movies, she was extolling the virtues of a yogurt product that regulates your bowel movements, this in itself I found hard to understand, but I guess money is money in these hard economic times. What caught my attention though was there was another person, unknown to the public, a virtual anyone exclaiming how wonderful her life is now that she has been eating this wonder yogurt and beneath her was captioned "Real Consumer". I am so happy that they cleared that up, because I never realized that there were fake consumers out there in the stores. Now I have something to do while standing in the checkout line and that is to try and tell the difference between a fake consumer and a real consumer. Wish me luck because I have a feeling it is going to be tricky to try and tell the difference.

Another one that I saw made me laugh quite a bit. It was for erectile dysfunction. Not so much the commercial itself, but the side effects and what to do about it. "If you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, please consult your doctor as this may be signs of a more serious side effect." Now I would think if a man who has had erectile issues could maintain an erection for over 4 hours he would in fact call his doctor to thank him, not complain. Hell, add him to your Christmas card list, make a note on your Palm when his birthday is, send him thank you cards after each time you had sex. But as far as an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, I do not see this as a serious side effect, more like a bonus, a windfall and a wonderful lasting memory. There are men in their 20's that have a problem keeping it up after 2 minutes, "Two Stroke Johnnys" who hit their climax before their partner even realizes he has an erection.

Another that made me laugh were the adult diapers. I know incontinence is nothing to laugh about, but the way that they advertise is. It states they give you the freedom you always wanted. What freedom is that? The freedom to wet your diaper in a public place? We live in a country with more public restrooms than anyplace I have ever been before, most are no more than 2 steps away and no public store, restuarant or any other convienence can bar you from using their restrooms by law. I also wondered if they made adult diaper bags, if not, I think this would be a very viable marketing venture. Also I like the marketing ploy, "Order now and have then delivered to your home, no need to go to the store and be embarrassed." Like your neighbors won't know, "Dear I see that Frank and Marge got their monthly supply of adult diapers delivered." Nah, that is not embarrassing at all, all the neighbors you have lived around 30+ years versus total strangers in a store knowing you wear adult diapers.


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An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...