Now I feel I have been challenged, but in an appreciative and constructive sort of way. To break away from the "rhyme" and express what it is I feel. A very good and respected source of mine and someone I have to admit I admire very much for the person they are has "opened" my eyes in another way of expressing how it is or what it is I am feeling. Never in my life have I tried something outside of my "norm" as habit dictates to most that we follow the guidelines that we are taught. But something they said, not in their comment to me, but in their blogs I have read before on more than one occasion has compelled me to at least try. I do not want to "stagnate" and become just another person with a blog.
The idea of writing poetry that does not rhyme to me is something that is new and in some way I feel a bit ambivalent to try. Yet in some way I feel I should meet the challenge, not to prove anything to anyone other than myself and honestly I believe everyone truly likes a challenge. Where would we be today if it weren't for the fact that people before did not stand up to the challenge to change things and make things a little better for us, themselves and their loved ones. That word I have read so often in their blog comes to mind, we would "stagnate" and like algae soon die off. Fortunately we are a more complex species that inhabit this world, one gifted with the ability to think, to reason and to grow.
So Momo, for good or bad, for better or worse, this is for you...thank you so very much.
It comes to me in quiet moments...
Like whispers on the wind...
Then like a pebble tossed in a pond...
It sends ripples across the surface of thought...
Once thought to be elusive...
Now is within my sight...
I reach and grasp each word...
To set to paper with pen...
They seem to come in torrents...
From where they are born within...
A first attempt is all I can say....
I take my gauntlet and cast it before you.
This is not the challenge of sword and mace but of pen and imagination. A quest into unknown territories where the laws of nature may twist into unrecognizable entities.
Your poem re-worded as my example!
Silence and the stillness of night
phantom faint whisper felt, not heard
my essence across the surface runs
as I dive into your pools
I take, I hold and mold
complexities from the intangible.
I whisper the words of mystics
and scribe my symbols with forged quill
suddenly washed away upon a tsunami
happily mapping new hills and valleys
Once you write it, read it aloud but not in monotone, but with feelings as if you were reading a classic tragedy on stage and project.
Then when you have identified the stress points ask, can I use a better word here and there?
Your first attempt was lovely to read, thank you.
I proselytized your poem!? I did not even realize it, subconsciously I guess your words had permeated my thoughts, it was not meant to be. The next will be as it should, mine. But it makes me happy you see some improvement.
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