An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Flea Circus...

I went to the flea circus last night to watch them perform. Strange that I did, they have not changed their act since they opened their performance. For the most part all the players were there as well as the spectators I am used to seeing. King Flea and his minions were in form, his jester, worm tongue and his lackey present performing their usual tricks and keeping the audience amused with their predictable stunts. It amazes me that they do it without a safety net. I imagine that with the amount of repetition over the years they have been performing this same old act one is not required.

I always enjoy watching his lackey I guess the best. Following his every word, licking at his feet, curling up around him as he praises the performance. I especially like to watch it jump and yip at his feet as he instructs his court and guides them through their performance. I have noticed though that he has yet to teach it any new tricks, I guess jumping through hoops is about as far as he could get with it and with some you have to keep the bar low anyway. So he still keeps these at a pretty attainable level. I guess he just likes his little lackey to be there so he feels wanted.

His jester, well, this one is a story in itself. It is gender confused. It really doesn't know what it is as it kisses everything that walks across its path. A sad little jester who's repetitive antics only add the its pathetic nature. Their predictive quips remind me of those little billows of dust on the slats of mini blinds. Someone sees it, knows it is there, but ignores as no one really pays attention to it anyway. Maybe one day the wind will blow through and bring in a fresh thought, but they will need to open the window first. I honestly think that this one will be the first King Flea turns his attention to, this one is not as loyal as the others and is quick to lick the wounds of a host they had been inhabiting once King Flea is out of their presence. Soon this pathetic little jester will incur the wrath and spiteful nature in full force once they are replaced. But it is fun to watch him grovel at his King's feet hoping to keep his favor, I just hope his lackey doesn't feel left out as this encroaches on their territory.

As I scanned the stage I saw his worm tongue. Gently slathering his ear with its vicious lies. Stroking his ego and keeping his thoughts trained on others so as to stay out of his sights. I guess that is why his normal position is behind him and maybe for him it is easier to kiss his King's posterior that way. But I guess they too serve their purpose in the court of idiots that gather around him.

I failed to notice his Queen tonight, she was absent from the stage of fools. Guess she was out seeking another's attention.

The finale is always fun too watch, it too is predictable. I like the watch the host shake the fleas off as it leaves.



Jazz said...

...seen it all before!

Not entertainment!!!


Smiling Pig said...

like a train wreck it is entertainment for the masses...not for those who have been through it or can see through it...

NEXT is coming soon..

April Faith said...

Ahhhh..this story reminds me of Chiiwa Gog, my story and G´s.

Let me copy some lines from our story.


¨The plains of Chinnwa gog were at best desolate. Purple and violet heathers grew there naturally in the rich volcanic soil that was very fertile, bordered on three sides by highland hills, and mountains beyond those to the North. The southern side was exposed to a natural harbour and presented an ideal port. Several villages had sprung up on the plains and much of the land turned over for agriculture. The great northern road, which wound its way to those far mountains, was bisected halfway to the highlands by an East, West road. This had naturally become a trading market for the villagers and merchant vessels selling and bartering goods from overseas. Naturally others came there to expand the exchanging of monies and goods. A tavern, an entertainment amphitheatre and a gambling den had been erected and even an office of fair goods exchange had been built to represent the interests of all the surrounding villages. But one of the most fascinating features to be added to what people referred to as ‘the market’ was the ‘speak-easys’.
It began, as anyone can imagine, that as the market attracted folk from all around and some would stand and preach religion, or political views. Some would engage in debate upon philosophies or magicks and sciences, and as with the progress of all things, small area’s had circular sections of the ground flattened and stone benches built into them. Even groups of women used them to spread idle gossip, or men just talking of nothing better than hunts and fishing and of course womenfolk.

He had come to the plains from the western hills, travelling, exploring and seeking work as and where he could find it and the market on the plains was an obvious route as he travelled eastward. He had browsed many of the wares being sold and even took for himself some fine leather boots. He had taken a meal at the tavern and was wandering about the speak-easys, listening to the various debates, but he was attracted to the main amphitheatre. A talent competition he had thought to himself and stayed to listen. Young boys and girls would each take a turn to sing for the crowd and be rewarded or not afterwards by appreciative coins thrown to them. As he sat and enjoyed the songs, someone came and sat right next to him. Someone in the long russet robes of a monk, the face shaded by the hood.¨ ----

Same as what sis Jazz said, I too have seen a lot. But what can we do? It´s what they wanted to do to people who just wanted to have fun.

An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...