I took a nice long walk early evening and looked about as people decorated their porches, walkways and front yards with pumpkins, scarecrows, hay shocks and other reminders of the fall season. It is probably my favorite time of the year. The aromas associated with it, the colors that paint and the sounds that narrate it. Looking up to the sky the geese and ducks fly south to their winter homes, squirrels stocking up nuts and seeds for the colder days ahead and song birds filling the branches waiting for the feeders to be filled. A wonderful and magical time of the year as the death of summer lends to life's renewal when spring makes its appearance.
I watched as children played on tire swings suspended from a high limb by a single rope and then jumping off into a pile of freshly raked leaves and scattering them, the wind gusts picking them up and scattering them down the block into neighboring yards. The laugh as they played chase and tag, the leaves scattering at their feet and their parent's smiles as their antics bought back memories of their younger yesterdays.
It seems that all living things sense this special time of the year, even pets seem to enjoy the cooler temperatures, the change in the season seems to bring a change in them.
Yes, I love this wonderful time of the year, this season of change and vibrancy with all it has to offer one's senses.
Stories posted here are the exclusive property of the Smiling Pig. No other use or reproduction of the content contained here is permissible without written prior consent.
A change of seasons signifies the continual of life's vibes. People who love autumn shows the warmth they have for life. Glad to know you are still positive despite setbacks. I do enjoy every entry you made. Keep urself warm.
A well written account of your introduction to the fall.
What about your younger days?
Didn't you want to go have a swing on that tire, were you not tempted?
Enjoy the autumn, each season brings out its own unique and distinct beauty.
Thank you Nora, I appreciate your kind comment.
Thank you Momo, your comments are always appreciated. Funny you should mention younger days, I just happened to be writing a story about "chasing lizards".
Yes, I was tempted to have a swing on that old tire as I did when I was younger, now if I could convince my body I could do it.
hey gramppy will you please email me on cassiewlsn@aol.com
its k'lynn weber
I sent you and email K'Lynn..thank you for finding me on here..tell Caleb and Sarah hello for me and I think of all of you often...
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