Thursday, May 29, 2008
What's in a Dream?
Most dreams I just shrug off and forget, that is if I happen to remember them. For the most part by the time I have had my second cup of coffee in the morning I could not tell you what it was I dreamed about the previous night. Just as well, my mind is cluttered enough. But there are those dreams that seem to stick with you, ones that you cannot forget even though you wished you could. For the past few months I have had a reoccurring dream that I wished I could forget. It really does not require any special interpretation, I feel it is quite explanatory in itself. Or maybe I just think it is, it could mean something different altogether.
It starts off in darkness, I know it is strange for a dream to start this way, but this is how it starts. As I stand there trying to get an idea of where it is I am at, a very faint light penetrates this blackness I am in and I start to focus on it. It doesn't get any closer to me, but it's intensity grows. Not enough to light up where I am at, just enough to hold my attention. I start to focus on this point of light I see and it is as if I am being pulled through it. I cannot feel my legs moving as if I am walking towards it, rather being pulled towards it. It seems forever before I can start to make out a shape, but it turns out to be a face that is emitting this light. As I get close enough to distinguish who it is, I realize it is her. She looks sad and I can see a single tear rolling down her cheek. I am puzzled as to why she would be so sad, after all we are in love and I am thinking to myself she should be happy and the tear I see should be one of joy, not a reflection of the anguish her face portrays. My immediate instinct is to pull her to me, to hold her and hope that this she is feeling will leave her, but as I reach for her, she seems to pull back or float just out of my reach. As she does so I can see her face contort as if in agony and pain. I can feel it tearing at my heart, my chest constricts and the air thickens to the point I cannot breath and I feel as if I am suffocating. She holds her hands out to me on outstretched arms and I can see the pleading in her face, yet as I reach for her hands to again try and pull her to me, she is pulled away from me. I am racked with pain at this point, my body seems to constrict and spasm as I desperately try to reach and hold on to her. Her lips part as if she is going to say something, nothing but a cold breeze issues out and it chills me. I can see the frost of her breath envelope my head and I feel as if I am in a fog. Her arms still out stretched, her expression is begging me to come to her. The tear that I see rolling down her cheek has now turned to ice, frozen. Our fingertips just touch and I feel myself violently jerks back from her. This time it was not her that was pulled away, but rather me. I could feel cold hands on my shoulder pulling hard at me and I struggle to free myself from them to go to her. I can feel the struggle as I pull against what is holding me, pulling me away from her. Finally I can feel her hands in mine as he pulls at me, but yet that which is holding me tightens it's grip and doubles it's efforts to pull me back. I can feel the coldness in her touch as I hold on tightly to her hands pulling myself to her. The struggle continues as I try and free myself from that which is pulling at me. The light she is emitting seems to start to dim and I can feel her grip weakening, but yet I continue to struggle...
I have been having this dream quite frequently lately and when I wake from it I feel weak and I am shaky. I feel so alone at that point all I want is to hear her voice. The reassurance I feel in it. I look around it is dark and slowly I sink back into my pillow waiting for the dawn to break over the horizon and free me from the night.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
When is a Lie a Lie?
We did not talk about lies or "untruths" but the jist of the conversation got me to thinking afterwards, at what point is a lie considered a lie? When I think back about it, I believe the first lie I ever heard and the first I repeated was, "I don't lie." The more I thought about it the more I realized that at some point we all lie or have lied. And I also realized that we will go through life repeating that. Whether it is for ourselves or for someone else something will present itself that will put us into a position that we feel like the truth would better be left unsaid. It could be that we do not want to hurt someone's feelings, or that we are avoiding talking about something, that by telling the truth would get us deeper into some sort of trouble we would like to stay shy of, for whatever the reason a lie will be told. Some will feel guilty and remorseful about it, while others won't think twice about it.
Does it take lack of a conscious to lie and not feel bad about it? Does it take conditioning to build a callous about you so that it does not bother you? Yes, I have lied, more times than I can count, more times than I care to remember and seeing how I have always been told a lie is remembered much longer than the truth, it makes me wonder if the lies I have told out number the truths. I think I mainly lie to avoid things, like facing the truth or avoiding the inevitable circumstances that telling the truth might manifest. For some and maybe for me telling a lie is much easier than telling the truth. I do not feel comfortable about it when I do, whether it is to someone close to me or a stranger. It is not something that is rehearsed or thought about and I definitely do not like back tracking on a conversation trying to remember what I have told someone as a lie. Then there is that fear of being caught in the lie and if at that point you will confess it or cover it up with another lie.
Are there different levels of lies? We have all been told or have said, it was just a little white lie, nothing bad. But is there a distinguishable difference in the type of lie that is told? Personally I don't think there is, I believe a lie is a lie no matter how you look at it and that there is no such thing as a little lie. And is it a good thing to avoid the truth to keep from hurting someone's feelings? Would it make them feel better to know the truth had been kept from them and then finding out that what they were told was a fabricated truth? That would be very superficial of them if they did. But none the less I have found myself guilty of that on various occasions. Telling myself it was for their own good or that old, what they don't know won't hurt them. I think it compounds the situation and would make hearing the truth much harder on them, especially if it was from another source, because the first person they are going to confront is the person who told them the lie and not what we felt we were shielding them from.
Staying on this path of thought I took it a bit further. When we do not present ourselves for who we really are, does that constitute a lie? Trying to deceive another of our identity. I will use the web and the various messenger services offered as an example. What is the first thing we do? We create an ID, a pseudonym of who we are or how we want to be seen. Some create multiple ID's and then use them to gain information on another or to see if they are being talked about. Would not deceit in this manner be considered a lie? We are not being truthful as to who we are, we are secreting ourselves away and hiding behind a fictional ID. How can one say they never lie when they are not showing who they actually are? Everyone knows me by my given name, I do not care what I do, that is how they know me. I have only changed my ID once, the one I am presently using, but my given name is there, not one I have made up. Some say they do it to protect themselves and to keep people from bothering them, if they are all that honest wouldn't telling the person in the beginning curb a lot of that and set those "boundaries" as to how you expect to be treated?
When do we start lying? When or at what point in our lives do we discover that telling a lie will circumvent getting into trouble? For me it was to avoid punishment from my parents and school teachers. I mean back then they were considered authority figures, ones who wielded a lot more power than I had, until I learned the power that a lie wielded. I had yet to learn at that time the flip side of that coin, the consequences when you were confronted with the lie you told. Once I found out I could get away from certain responsibilities with a lie and especially not getting caught, I found my lies more brazen and easier offered than the truth. And it wasn't as if I was the only one who was lying. I heard the excuses everyday, some very familiar to me. I do not know how many times my dog ate my homework, even the times when I didn't even have a dog, but he still ate my homework. How many grandparents do we normally have? For most only four, but yet mine died multiple deaths. We have all skipped school, when you went back did you tell the office the reason you weren't in school was because you skipped going that day, or did you offer a note from your parents that you drafted and signed one of their names to? Or that lie we told to spark jealousy in someone else or to turn one friend against another, yes a rumor, but again isn't that just renaming what it really is? To gain the favor of another we have told lies.
We have carried that concept on into our adult lives too. Bill collector calls, you want to avoid them, "Tell them I am not here." "I put the check in the mail yesterday." "I just opened a new account and they have not transferred funds yet." You call your significant other, "I am working late tonight, don't wait up for me." You tell you significant other "I don't know how that got in there, someone at work must have put it in my pocket." "It isn't what you think." The list goes on and on.
I have never been ashamed of who I was, just a specific situation I was in and yes, I lied then too. As we all have. Whether in a relationship we were wanting out of or trying to avoid responsibility, a lie was told. I am not quick to point out the lies of another, that brings it too close to home for me and I honestly feel it is not my place to do so. But none the less I know I have been lied to. We all embellish stories to make them more interesting, especially if we are the focal point in it or to downplay ourselves in it. We have lied to pull ourselves out of the middle of something or to divert attention away from us and on to something or someone else. We have offered others up as sacrifices through lies.
Countries, dynasties, legacies, friendships and relationships have been built on lies in the past and they will continue to do so in the future. No matter how honest we like to think we are or to get others to think of us as, we will lie in some shape form or fashion. We will lie to hide something, to avoid something, to escape something or for the plain reason we cold not think of anything else to say. I am not condoning it, but I am not going to be the one judging another for it. We just have to learn to accept the good things we see in the other person and go from there.
So at what point does a lie become a lie? There is a saying, "You can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time." But it has been tried ages beyond eons. If the whole believes it and you are the only one who knows it is a lie, does that make it a lie? If it isn't a lie, but rather a dream or a wish, would that be a lie? If it is nothing more than what you believe, is it a lie? And if repeated enough to where you believe what you are saying, is it still a lie? Nothing is easier than self deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true....
I guess Sir Walter Scott said it best, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Land of the Disillusioned

Seeing gas prices at the pump now at $3.80+ per gallon for regular unleaded and diesel at $4.00+ is a long way from the .16 cents my father used to pay at the pump when I was a child. It is getting ridiculous to say the least. With oil companies reporting profits of $12 billion usd or more for last year is sickening and telling congress that they are sinking billions into research for alternative fuels and exploration. What a joke. With alternative fuels already available and the capability of creating blended fuels I would think they would be looking into these alternatives, the technology is here. I think it is nothing more than a ruse to justify in their minds the cost they are charging the average consumer at the pump. To me is it nothing more than profiteering and price gouging. It is causing undue hardship on the average worker, bringing up the price of shipped goods and staples needed to survive. Food is being taken from the table, bills are going unpaid in order to meet this demand for higher prices and it is time our government did something about it.
With the rise in the cost of manufacturing goods and to harvest food companies are failing to meet the increase in the cost of living their employees are now being faced with. Their excuse, well production is down, fuel and energy cost have risen and at this time we cannot offer you relief. People are suffering because someone in control deems it a necessity to raise the cost of fuel to be more profitably marketable to share holders. Not only are they making a profit at the pump, they are making on it Wall Street too. This so called Land of Opportunity is quickly becoming the Land of the Disillusioned and it is the working man who suffers for this asinine decision . A rise in unemployment and in welfare disbursement are in direct correlation with the rising fuel costs, people just cannot afford to get to work based on their current pay.
They say alternatives and an adjustment to lifestyles need to be considered, relocate closer to your job, all easier said than done. And the sad thing about it is that they know this. Americans have always commuted to work, very few live within a close proximity of their work place. Take a bus or commute with others? That too is a non-viable solution to quite a few people, even if they work in an environment that offers car pooling or ride shares. Very few people who work together live close and many find themselves going out of their way to accommodate this alternative job commuting idea. To get to a bus stop for some would still require a commute and to ride share or car pool they would have to rise earlier and get home later which would affect their work and then the inevitable fact that someone would miss their turn due to sickness or other family emergency would add to this and cause last minute arrangements to get to work. Usually by using their own vehicle and commuting to work alone. Yes it all looks good when it rests between their ears or offering it as a reason to sustain a lower wage or a reason not get a cost of living adjustment. It is unacceptable to say the least that we should have to suffer for this.
It is time that the officials we have elected to represent us to listen to us and do something about it and stop listening to the companies that line their pockets with political donations. They were elected based on their promise to look out for us and we trusted them to do so and all I see them doing is being another vehicle in the long list of excuses being offered by the oil companies. They work for us, the average citizen, not for some over paid executive and it is time they woke up and realized that. All this rhetoric about seeking alternative fuels is fast becoming old to the average working class person without seeing any results. The price keeps on rising. Don't blame OPEC, Venezuela or any foreign country, place the blame where it belongs, behind the smoke screen they are trying to shield themselves with, blame it on the ones we elected and those in control of the oil companies where it belongs.
It is getting to where we can not afford to be comfortable at home any longer, we have to pass down the excuses we are given to our children to justify why we cannot even afford to leave home or take a vacation to relax. No, we have to get an extra job in order to make ends meet, in order to put food on the table, keep a roof over our heads and pay utilities that too are exorbitant. I pay more in electric than I ever did on my mortgage, that is ridiculous to say the least.
It is time someone else suffered for their decisions and not us.
Monday, May 19, 2008
In Rememberence...
Do not forget these lives, these children who perished. These future hopes that will no longer dream the dreams your children will dream. Never forget the suffering their family will feel each time they see a picture of them or they see another child playing. Never forget that on that day of 12 May, 2008 at 2:23pm the light in their eyes was extinguished and no longer will their smile brighten our day. These little ones so full of questions will never patiently wait again for the answers they sought. We lost a piece of our future that day and so many tomorrows turned to a memory in a few minutes.
They go to wait now...please remember them.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
No Tomorrow

This flower from a seed was born...
In anguished tear she sits alone...
From her arms this babe was torn...
Was this morning she kissed goodbye...
Not knowing it would be her last...
And now she cries a lonely sigh...
Her child's life has past...
No more laughter will she hear...
Nor feet upon the floor...
No longer will she quieten the fear...
Then silently close the door...
The table is set with one less place...
The chair will be empty now...
She longs to see that smiling face...
That soothed her worried brow...
She cries aloud her soul is torn...
This child of hers lies still...
This babe she cradled when first born...
No longer her life will fill...
She reaches out in hopes to grasp...
And pull them from their sleep...
To break the lock and open hasp...
And free them from death's keep...
This flower she nurtured from a seed...
No longer will it bloom...
No more will her care it need...
Her memory will be entombed...
In memory her child will live...
The smile will never fade...
And in her heart she will give...
A place for her child she made...
And with every tear that falls...
With each sigh she does breathe...
It is her soul that calls...
For her child her pain to ease...
We were all born of one and we are all brothers and sisters and in as much as the mothers and fathers have suffered, we too should feel that grief of loss for a loved one. If you do nothing else, please remember the children who will no longer be heard.
Enough Said....
As I said, when you did not do as we talked about, I did not go around and say things about you or the piece you painted to try and justify my reasons, but you seem to take it a bit personal just because you took it upon yourself to do something you were not asked to, you and I talked about exactly what it was I was looking for and wanted. I am sure you feel that you fulfilled exactly what was requested and that is your right to think so and it is your opinion and it is only that, your opinion. Two sides to every coin. So either get over it and get on with your life or wallow in your self pity and seek your sympathy in the chatrooms. I am tired of this now and I am not going to bother with it any longer. Take your own advice and be an adult and stop acting like some spoiled little child who got their feelings hurt.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Okay Pumpkin...

I see you just think you're right in this. Let's talk about the painting. Let's talk about what you said you would do and didn't. I have not said anything about you or the painting but you seem to want to keep dragging it out. You did not even come close to what I asked for. I am not saying what you painted was bad, but it isn't no where near what we talked about. Size, content, media, nothing that I asked for, you did what you wanted to do, not what was asked of you and now you think you have been done wrong? Get a clue, because if you take this approach you will always be selling your paintings on some back street hoping that a tourist takes pity on you.
What you have done with you postings in my chatbox is show that you are nothing more than a vindictive spoiled little child that is upset because it did not go your way. Keep posting, it does not make me any difference because sooner or later you will do the same thing to someone else and they will feel the same about how you take it upon yourself to do as you wish and not be able to deliver the product they requested. If you have nothing better to do than to occupy your time with your childish efforts in belittling me, then it seems that you really have nothing else better to do in life. You should focus those energies on your artwork, maybe then you would make some progress and get somewhere. If it makes you feel better, then by all means keep up your asinine attack on me, you are doing nothing but dragging yourself down and showing everyone how little and narrow you actually are. Say what you will about me to whomever you like, but as I have stated, what goes around comes around and sooner or later you too will pay for your imbecilic actions. Your words are nothing but a direct reflection on you, think about that, and how you really are and you have shown nothing but to be vindictive, facetious, spoiled and vengeful. You want to dwell on how you have been treated and think about what you did was nothing within the scope of what was asked of you. Did you not get a picture of what was requested of you? Were you not asked to paint only a specific part of what was sent to you? Were you not asked that it be painted in a very specific way? Were you not asked that it be of a specific size and what the main focus was to be? How many of those points were met? None Pumpkin, none of them were even close and you say I am the one who is in the wrong on this. You took it upon yourself to do what you wanted to do and expected me to accept it. I guess if you were contracted to paint a house green and you decided to paint it pink you would be expected to be paid for your work too because you felt in your mind you were right.
And please, follow through on your threats to me, don't just say it, do it and get it over with. Keep up your little vendetta against me if it makes you feel better. Post this link in the room, do what you wish because sooner or later it will come back on your shoulders. I do not feel bad Pumpkin, not one bit for not accepting your painting and if you are trying to make me feel guilty let me clue you in on something, you aren't because just as you feel about the way things went, I feel the same, you didn't deliver what was asked of you, you did not even come close. And if you think I worry about what people think in a chatroom, again you need to think, because if you put anything into it then you are just as clueless as to what is going on around you as they are. And if you think I do not see another's personal feelings are playing into this you are wrong and you are being used by them. Sooner or later you will see that you were used by them to vent their feelings and when they are finished using you, you will be of no more use to them and they will just walk away and leave you to answer for what you have said and done. Quiet honestly I think you have nothing better to do with your life and you enjoy your pathetic attempt in trying to get to me.
As for me not going into the room, you have nothing to do with it and I am not hiding, if I were, you would not have access to my blog to leave your vicious little remarks. So my reasons are mine and I do not owe you an explanation. You made your comment that I feel better about it because of what I wrote, again Pumpkin you need to understand, I never felt bad about it to begin with because you did not do what was expected, what was asked of you to do. So when you post what you said you would and let everyone see, please do not pick and choose what you want them to see to justify your actions, post everything that was talked about and then post the pictures that were requested that you do as well as what was requested of you, don't just use it to your benefit, use it to vindicate your actions or your lack of reason for your actions. Remember I have them too and I will not hesitate to post them in full. And please do not forget to post a picture of what you have painted along side the picture that was sent to you as well as that one specific part that was asked that you do. If you can't then let the picture here remind you of what was asked of you.
Remember one thing Pumpkin, we all answer to someone and it is not you that I answer to. If you had done what you said you would do and as it was asked of you, then we would not be having this conversation, so don't make this look like I am the one entirely in the wrong here.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Passing Thoughts...
In Christianity it is stated in verse; "You reap what you sow tenfold." Even though it is stated very simple, it is complex because a lot of people do not understand what its true meaning is. They just see it as it is stated. That no matter what they do in life, good or bad they will reap ten times what they gave. That in some form it will return to them. There is another verse in the Bible that traverses the beliefs in karma; "Judge not lest you be judged, let you without sin cast the first stone." These two verses in the Bible have been taught and spoken in many different ways throughout history and to me it defines that double edged sword that karma wields.
What goes around comes around, sooner or later the rooster comes home to roost, both mean the same thing. That our actions placed on another will come back to us. It may not be in the same way that it was doled out, but rest assured it will come. And I believe we need to think about this a little deeper and have a little better understanding of it, because from what I see on here, people seem to use it as a weapon or threat instead of what it really is. They do not understand they do not dictate karma or its rewards and repercussions. Quite the contrary, taking that approach is nothing more than being vindictive or trying to martyr yourself. I am not saying you should not fight when you feel you have been wronged or when you know you are right, but to try and bring something into it you really have no control over yourself and use it as a threat or a means to belittle someone makes you no better than the person who you feel caused you some sort of personal pain. Karma has its own set of rules as to when, where and why and we do not control that in any way. We might think we can when by our actions we precipitate something thinking it is our just right to seek vengeance against another or to try and adjudicate feelings we have towards another.
Karma is precedence based on our actions of how we live our lives. I am not perfect, I have never claimed to be nor will I. I am not going to say that I have never lied, that would be a lie in itself. We all lie, it is our nature to in some way or another. It is a part of our instinct, our will to survive. I am sure you just laughed at the last statement and when you do, remember the check is in the mail or you have just opened a new account and the funds have not been transferred yet, I am sorry dear, but I have to work late tonight, the meeting lasted longer than I expected it would, maybe we can do that next year. Yes we all lie, whether it is to ourselves, our friends, loved ones, associates or the bill collector, we all lie. I may confront someone about something they have said and ask them about it, but I will not call them a liar or say that they have lied, because at the time it was said, to them they may not have felt it was a lie. It could have been based on many things when it was said, but things change and what once may have been the truth to them is no longer true, but that does not make it a lie. When I have found out it was a lie or vicious rumor that was being spread I did not chase it down nor did I defend myself because of another's words against me. I have many reasons for this and none of them have to do with shame. A lot have told me that if I didn't say something then soon everyone would believe the lie that was being spread. I have no problem with that either, I was not set on earth to chase down rumors and vindictive attitudes against me. I wasn't placed her to justify the wrongs against me, I was placed here to live my life as fruitful and productive as I can in the little time allotted.
People love to say things, especially when they have an audience and they can be believed. A lot of people enjoy being vindictive and feel they are justified in their actions or words. But what their audience does not realize is that they are only listening to one side of the story. People who listen to such malicious gossip should think before they open their ears and understand that they are only hearing one side and until they could make a judgment there is another side yet unheard. They need to consider the source and the context in which it was presented. Whether it is just from being having their feelings hurt or if they were being maliciously attacked or if it was nothing more than a misunderstanding.
I mentioned karma being a double edged sword earlier and it is. When you have been wronged is it up to you personally to mete out the punishment? When by actions you slander and verbally attack another is that karma acting or is it nothing more than your feelings surfacing? And what is it that defines an action against another? On here I am just going to tie it down to two things, thoughts and words. Both can be a blessing and a poison. If you truly believe in karma and that it will be karma in the end that will finally right a wrong to justify a means to an end, then once something happens to you, your role is finished and that curtain should be closed and let karma deal its hand. But to attack another with vicious words says that you do not really put that much faith into what you say you believe in. Then you have done no better than the other and you too are subject to those same considerations of the other when karma is played out in your life. To set your thoughts to words and to make them public in a demeaning nature, to purposely seek your vengeance places you on the same plain as your perpetrator. Then at that point you are no better than them. To truly believe in karma, you leave it to karma.
A lot who espouse their belief in karma I have seen on here act as if they have never done any wrong or have never wronged another. That they have never by their actions said or done anything against someone else. That they are the picture of innocence and treat others as they want to be treated, when in fact we all treat people the way we have been treated or are treated by them at that time.
I can say one thing without worry, I never attack another behind their backs. I keep my thoughts to myself and if I feel it needs to be addressed, then I do it with that person on a one on one basis, not in a public forum. I do not go into a room and belittle another just because I feel I need to be vindicated or have my ego stroked or justify my actions, that is between me and the other. I do not slander or defame another if they are not present, nor will I do it in a public forum when they are. I may talk about their actions and how I personally see them, but I do not go in to tear them down. As I said, I do believe in karma and that it will come back. I have never ran nor have I hid and when asked I have taken responsibility for my actions and words.
Friday, May 9, 2008

Thorn and brier ensnare...
To seek the one who gently talked...
One who wanted to share...
To speak of what tomorrow will bring...
And the joys yet to come...
To listen to the morning birds sing...
As they greet the sun...
To see the lotus petals unfold...
Upon water so calm and still...
Under sun as bright as burnished gold...
The promise of beauty fulfilled...
Standing there she softly sings...
Her voice floating on the breeze...
A melody that gently rings...
To rest among the leaves...
To kiss the lips that speak to me...
As as sweet as the morning dew...
That in her eyes I might see...
A world seen by few...
She turns to me and we embrace...
Her scent it fills my senses...
And I look upon her lovely face...
It frees my heart from its fences...
For in her love I have found...
A place she made for me...
She gives a love without bounds...
And gives her heart so willingly...
We walk this path together now...
No thorn or brier to snare...
For in my heart I knew some how...
Our lives we would share...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Live and Learn...
We live and learn.
After seeing a few comments posted in my chatbox and talking to several people on here I feel it is time I address a few matters and clear the air so to speak. Normally I would not even bother because most of it boils down to “he said she said” and becomes more of a pain in the ass than a reason to justify the issue. The word assumption or assume bears heavily on this plus the fact that maybe the term consignment needs to be addressed because a lot of things get misconstrued as to what is actually meant.
I won’t mention names or ID’s because all concerned once reading this will know who and what I am talking about.
First I would like to define or attempt to define what it means when you offer your services on a consignment basis and what is expected of you. When you sell your goods or services to someone and they have accepted your services to a specific type or amount of work, it is by their instructions or wishes you fulfill that request, not by what you think they would want or what you feel you want.
If a prospective client tells you for example they would like a painting that measures 24 inches tall x 60 or 72 inches long and has even given specific details as to what they wanted the outcome to look like down to medium and application of the medium, those are the instruction that you follow, you do not decide or take it upon yourself to alter those instructions and create something you think they would like or that you feel comfortable in doing. As a consignee you are obligated to that and the consignor is not obligated at any point to honor anything if that has been breached. In other words you do not come up with something that is of wall portrait size and out of the scope of medium, subject or application of medium and expect the consignor to pay for it.
As a consignee, you do not dictate when the work is to start, how it is to proceed or assume at any point that until agreed upon that the consignor is obligated to accept something that is not to what the instructions or wishes were. If you take it upon yourself as the consignee to start a project without the consignor requesting that you start it, the responsibility falls on you, not the consignor. You have a professional and moral obligation to your client in that respect. At no point should you assume that what you have done on your own volition to do is the client or consignor to be held responsible. And until the consignor is ready you do not make purchases, if you do then that too is your responsibility, you do not assume at any time that the client or consignor is responsible, that is just simple business practice.
Addressing your comments on my chatbox at this time attests to the professionalism lacking as a business professional or the claim that you are one. Your comments were slanderous and out of context and by placing those in such a public forum you have put yourself in a precarious and liable position. Personal comments such as you made should have been just that, personal and addressed that way. All you do in doing so is give that person that you directed those comments to is reason for legal recourse for defamation and slander. And personally, I would hope that they would not take it to that level if I were you.
As I have previously stated, normally I would not concern myself with such matters as this, but I feel that you assumed too much and you thought you knew what would be acceptable when not following the prospective client’s wishes. But you took things upon yourself to do that you shouldn’t have and now you expect to be compensated for it.
Monday, May 5, 2008
What is Important?

I asked her once what was important to her, and without any hesitation she said, "Family and friends, in that order." She didn't mention her career, financial stability or herself. It was her family and friends that were the most important to her. This world, her world that she has created with just that, family and friends, that she has nurtured and loved meant more to her than anything she could think of. World peace? No, she didn't need it, she has peace in her world and that is what is important to her. She did not even mention herself as being important.
How many of us can say that? I have thought about it a lot in the past two years since I asked her that. I honestly believe I would not have answered it the same. I used to think before I met her that I should be the most important to me. That in order for me to make anyone else happy, I had to be happy first and that I should always consider myself first. After thinking about it now, I realize that was nothing more than a conceited self centered and selfish ideology.
She, by considering others first had found her happiness. How such a simplistic idea can have such an impact on one's life and outlook amazes me. She just doesn't talk the talk, she walks the walk, I have seen it many times displayed. I have not only witnessed it I am testament to it. The patience and understanding she has shown me defines her. I am not saying she just smiles and glosses it over, no, quite the opposite, there are lessons to be learned and she is quick to teach them. She does not do it to be vindictive, she does it out of love and the fact that it is important that the mistakes are not habitually repeated to the point it becomes abuse.
She shows genuine compassion when it comes to friends and family and it is this compassion she has for that unity that gives her that patience and understanding. That willingness to work with it and try and right the wrong. To teach those lessons that will create a stronger and more trusting relationship.
My view might be biased, but that is understandable, I am the student that has an undefinable admiration for the teacher.