An Echo

in our life we say, there comes a time, there comes a day...when all is over, said and words spoken can mend, no promise made can assure...our eyes are opened, we've met the end...
It is not the quantity of friends that we have that is important, but rather the quality of those friends we do have...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Passing Thoughts...

As always it seems that I find myself deepest in thought when I am worried about something and I try to divert that worry by thinking of something else. With the earthquake in China and having someone there I care about, it is natural for me to suppress those worries with thoughts. Seems this time my thoughts took me to karma and it's rewards and repercussions. From there it went down several other paths, but karma seemed to take center stage. I am a very big believer in karma and even though you find people in all walks of life talking about good and bad deeds in some way or another it is mentioned in all walks of life and religions. Maybe under another name or ideology, but none the less it is there.

In Christianity it is stated in verse; "You reap what you sow tenfold." Even though it is stated very simple, it is complex because a lot of people do not understand what its true meaning is. They just see it as it is stated. That no matter what they do in life, good or bad they will reap ten times what they gave. That in some form it will return to them. There is another verse in the Bible that traverses the beliefs in karma; "Judge not lest you be judged, let you without sin cast the first stone." These two verses in the Bible have been taught and spoken in many different ways throughout history and to me it defines that double edged sword that karma wields.

What goes around comes around, sooner or later the rooster comes home to roost, both mean the same thing. That our actions placed on another will come back to us. It may not be in the same way that it was doled out, but rest assured it will come. And I believe we need to think about this a little deeper and have a little better understanding of it, because from what I see on here, people seem to use it as a weapon or threat instead of what it really is. They do not understand they do not dictate karma or its rewards and repercussions. Quite the contrary, taking that approach is nothing more than being vindictive or trying to martyr yourself. I am not saying you should not fight when you feel you have been wronged or when you know you are right, but to try and bring something into it you really have no control over yourself and use it as a threat or a means to belittle someone makes you no better than the person who you feel caused you some sort of personal pain. Karma has its own set of rules as to when, where and why and we do not control that in any way. We might think we can when by our actions we precipitate something thinking it is our just right to seek vengeance against another or to try and adjudicate feelings we have towards another.

Karma is precedence based on our actions of how we live our lives. I am not perfect, I have never claimed to be nor will I. I am not going to say that I have never lied, that would be a lie in itself. We all lie, it is our nature to in some way or another. It is a part of our instinct, our will to survive. I am sure you just laughed at the last statement and when you do, remember the check is in the mail or you have just opened a new account and the funds have not been transferred yet, I am sorry dear, but I have to work late tonight, the meeting lasted longer than I expected it would, maybe we can do that next year. Yes we all lie, whether it is to ourselves, our friends, loved ones, associates or the bill collector, we all lie. I may confront someone about something they have said and ask them about it, but I will not call them a liar or say that they have lied, because at the time it was said, to them they may not have felt it was a lie. It could have been based on many things when it was said, but things change and what once may have been the truth to them is no longer true, but that does not make it a lie. When I have found out it was a lie or vicious rumor that was being spread I did not chase it down nor did I defend myself because of another's words against me. I have many reasons for this and none of them have to do with shame. A lot have told me that if I didn't say something then soon everyone would believe the lie that was being spread. I have no problem with that either, I was not set on earth to chase down rumors and vindictive attitudes against me. I wasn't placed her to justify the wrongs against me, I was placed here to live my life as fruitful and productive as I can in the little time allotted.

People love to say things, especially when they have an audience and they can be believed. A lot of people enjoy being vindictive and feel they are justified in their actions or words. But what their audience does not realize is that they are only listening to one side of the story. People who listen to such malicious gossip should think before they open their ears and understand that they are only hearing one side and until they could make a judgment there is another side yet unheard. They need to consider the source and the context in which it was presented. Whether it is just from being having their feelings hurt or if they were being maliciously attacked or if it was nothing more than a misunderstanding.

I mentioned karma being a double edged sword earlier and it is. When you have been wronged is it up to you personally to mete out the punishment? When by actions you slander and verbally attack another is that karma acting or is it nothing more than your feelings surfacing? And what is it that defines an action against another? On here I am just going to tie it down to two things, thoughts and words. Both can be a blessing and a poison. If you truly believe in karma and that it will be karma in the end that will finally right a wrong to justify a means to an end, then once something happens to you, your role is finished and that curtain should be closed and let karma deal its hand. But to attack another with vicious words says that you do not really put that much faith into what you say you believe in. Then you have done no better than the other and you too are subject to those same considerations of the other when karma is played out in your life. To set your thoughts to words and to make them public in a demeaning nature, to purposely seek your vengeance places you on the same plain as your perpetrator. Then at that point you are no better than them. To truly believe in karma, you leave it to karma.

A lot who espouse their belief in karma I have seen on here act as if they have never done any wrong or have never wronged another. That they have never by their actions said or done anything against someone else. That they are the picture of innocence and treat others as they want to be treated, when in fact we all treat people the way we have been treated or are treated by them at that time.

I can say one thing without worry, I never attack another behind their backs. I keep my thoughts to myself and if I feel it needs to be addressed, then I do it with that person on a one on one basis, not in a public forum. I do not go into a room and belittle another just because I feel I need to be vindicated or have my ego stroked or justify my actions, that is between me and the other. I do not slander or defame another if they are not present, nor will I do it in a public forum when they are. I may talk about their actions and how I personally see them, but I do not go in to tear them down. As I said, I do believe in karma and that it will come back. I have never ran nor have I hid and when asked I have taken responsibility for my actions and words.

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An Echo....

When you find you are lost, always go back to where you started...