I see you just think you're right in this. Let's talk about the painting. Let's talk about what you said you would do and didn't. I have not said anything about you or the painting but you seem to want to keep dragging it out. You did not even come close to what I asked for. I am not saying what you painted was bad, but it isn't no where near what we talked about. Size, content, media, nothing that I asked for, you did what you wanted to do, not what was asked of you and now you think you have been done wrong? Get a clue, because if you take this approach you will always be selling your paintings on some back street hoping that a tourist takes pity on you.
What you have done with you postings in my chatbox is show that you are nothing more than a vindictive spoiled little child that is upset because it did not go your way. Keep posting, it does not make me any difference because sooner or later you will do the same thing to someone else and they will feel the same about how you take it upon yourself to do as you wish and not be able to deliver the product they requested. If you have nothing better to do than to occupy your time with your childish efforts in belittling me, then it seems that you really have nothing else better to do in life. You should focus those energies on your artwork, maybe then you would make some progress and get somewhere. If it makes you feel better, then by all means keep up your asinine attack on me, you are doing nothing but dragging yourself down and showing everyone how little and narrow you actually are. Say what you will about me to whomever you like, but as I have stated, what goes around comes around and sooner or later you too will pay for your imbecilic actions. Your words are nothing but a direct reflection on you, think about that, and how you really are and you have shown nothing but to be vindictive, facetious, spoiled and vengeful. You want to dwell on how you have been treated and think about what you did was nothing within the scope of what was asked of you. Did you not get a picture of what was requested of you? Were you not asked to paint only a specific part of what was sent to you? Were you not asked that it be painted in a very specific way? Were you not asked that it be of a specific size and what the main focus was to be? How many of those points were met? None Pumpkin, none of them were even close and you say I am the one who is in the wrong on this. You took it upon yourself to do what you wanted to do and expected me to accept it. I guess if you were contracted to paint a house green and you decided to paint it pink you would be expected to be paid for your work too because you felt in your mind you were right.
And please, follow through on your threats to me, don't just say it, do it and get it over with. Keep up your little vendetta against me if it makes you feel better. Post this link in the room, do what you wish because sooner or later it will come back on your shoulders. I do not feel bad Pumpkin, not one bit for not accepting your painting and if you are trying to make me feel guilty let me clue you in on something, you aren't because just as you feel about the way things went, I feel the same, you didn't deliver what was asked of you, you did not even come close. And if you think I worry about what people think in a chatroom, again you need to think, because if you put anything into it then you are just as clueless as to what is going on around you as they are. And if you think I do not see another's personal feelings are playing into this you are wrong and you are being used by them. Sooner or later you will see that you were used by them to vent their feelings and when they are finished using you, you will be of no more use to them and they will just walk away and leave you to answer for what you have said and done. Quiet honestly I think you have nothing better to do with your life and you enjoy your pathetic attempt in trying to get to me.
As for me not going into the room, you have nothing to do with it and I am not hiding, if I were, you would not have access to my blog to leave your vicious little remarks. So my reasons are mine and I do not owe you an explanation. You made your comment that I feel better about it because of what I wrote, again Pumpkin you need to understand, I never felt bad about it to begin with because you did not do what was expected, what was asked of you to do. So when you post what you said you would and let everyone see, please do not pick and choose what you want them to see to justify your actions, post everything that was talked about and then post the pictures that were requested that you do as well as what was requested of you, don't just use it to your benefit, use it to vindicate your actions or your lack of reason for your actions. Remember I have them too and I will not hesitate to post them in full. And please do not forget to post a picture of what you have painted along side the picture that was sent to you as well as that one specific part that was asked that you do. If you can't then let the picture here remind you of what was asked of you.
Remember one thing Pumpkin, we all answer to someone and it is not you that I answer to. If you had done what you said you would do and as it was asked of you, then we would not be having this conversation, so don't make this look like I am the one entirely in the wrong here.
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