I asked her once what was important to her, and without any hesitation she said, "Family and friends, in that order." She didn't mention her career, financial stability or herself. It was her family and friends that were the most important to her. This world, her world that she has created with just that, family and friends, that she has nurtured and loved meant more to her than anything she could think of. World peace? No, she didn't need it, she has peace in her world and that is what is important to her. She did not even mention herself as being important.
How many of us can say that? I have thought about it a lot in the past two years since I asked her that. I honestly believe I would not have answered it the same. I used to think before I met her that I should be the most important to me. That in order for me to make anyone else happy, I had to be happy first and that I should always consider myself first. After thinking about it now, I realize that was nothing more than a conceited self centered and selfish ideology.
She, by considering others first had found her happiness. How such a simplistic idea can have such an impact on one's life and outlook amazes me. She just doesn't talk the talk, she walks the walk, I have seen it many times displayed. I have not only witnessed it I am testament to it. The patience and understanding she has shown me defines her. I am not saying she just smiles and glosses it over, no, quite the opposite, there are lessons to be learned and she is quick to teach them. She does not do it to be vindictive, she does it out of love and the fact that it is important that the mistakes are not habitually repeated to the point it becomes abuse.
She shows genuine compassion when it comes to friends and family and it is this compassion she has for that unity that gives her that patience and understanding. That willingness to work with it and try and right the wrong. To teach those lessons that will create a stronger and more trusting relationship.
My view might be biased, but that is understandable, I am the student that has an undefinable admiration for the teacher.
1 comment:
To see the ones we admire in wonderful clothes is to imagine ourselves with the same wonderful robes. Let us hope it does not remain solely within the imagination and we gain the fashion sense of the admired one.
Your view is not biased in this instance, but slowly Yu Ying removes the clouds that obscured your view. The beauty you see now was always there, she just show you how to see it.
Good luck you both.
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