I use the word echo a lot on my blog, to relate in some way so that all can understand. A memory, a thought that will not go away, those things we all have and can relate to. Thought many are different, they are still the same. A lost relationship, friendship, a new person or interest in your life, things we store away to return to and reminisce when we find that our only escape are our memories. We also store away our pain, joy, hurt, love, hate and a multitude of other emotions that surface when triggered by something someone might say, something we see or even that one who caused that particular emotion in the beginning and like echos, echos from the past they come with a resounding reverberation cross our plains of memory. Some that settle comfortably in our hearts as we close our eyes to lose ourselves there for a few moments bringing back to us that time in our life we felt that happiness. Then there are those that send a pain through out our entire being as we feel the very breath is being as we feel it pull us down into that abyss of painful loneliness.
"Regrets, I've had a few..." Frank Sinatra coined the song and it is in that place where we keep everything else out of the prying eyes of the world. It is a wrapping we cover certain memories with and we find ourselves peeling back a corner to have a peek of a time that now has us thinking if only I had done something different then maybe this memory would have turned out different. It is said we learn as we live and we live as we learn, that there is a reason for a past in our lives, not to live in yesterday, but to learn from it. Often regrets have us living in our yesterdays, mulling them over, trying to figure where on that path we lost that one walking next to us. At what point they became a memory, at what point we faded from their sight as they walked away to never look back.
Memories can be a blessing or a curse, they can bring back sublime times gone or they can torture you. There are memories that are bittersweet, those that makes us smile with a tear in our eyes, one that has left your life and whose mortal being no longer exists. It seems these memories we deal with or learn to deal with in time much better than those memories of ones that are still among us. We put them to their final rest and speak our last words to assure them and ourselves they will always be remembered, but those that we still can see, that we still can hear, those are the ones that seem to bring to us those memories that remind us that it will never come around again in our lives.
As much as we hate to admit it, as much as we tell others not to, we live in our past, we seek refuge there, we find comfort and a safe haven there, a place only we can go. We may at times share those memories with others, but only those we feel safe in sharing, because we will come across those in life that will use them against us, this we all know and have suffered.
Like echos memories fill our thoughts, carrying with them all our emotions. A road we travel alone, a bridge to our past that will forever keep them with us.
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