.tnesnoc roirp nettirw tuohtiw elbissimrep si ereh deniatnoc tnetnoc eht fo noitcudorper ro esu rehto oN . giP gnilimS eht fo ytreporp evisulcxe eht era ereh detsop seirotS
.daeh ym revo elttil a era sgniht eseht dna tsigoloruen a ton ma I lla retfA .od I naht ti ot thgisni retteb tib a sah ereht tuo enoemos ebyam ,kniht I ylpeed oot munrdnunoc eht rednop I
.eb ot desu amsalp hcni 05 ruo erehw ecaps knalb ralugnatcer a ta egral gnirats era ew nwod tis ew nehw yhw dnatsrednu dluohs ew ,dnim sih ni os ,mron eht fo tuo gnihton dna tcidda a ot POS lamroN .kcarc yub dna nwap ear ecnef ,selbaulav laets ,emoh otni kaerb ,yenom on ,kcarc deen ,od ot gniht lamron eht tsuj saw ti ,oot em noitcidda sih gninialpxe dna uoi na gnivael ot deliaf eh tcidda kcarc a yb otni nekorb saw emoh ym emit tsal eht dna snoitabil hcum oot emusnoc yeht taht ezilaer t'nseod cilohocla na lla retfa naem I .lamron yltcefrep saw ti meht ot hguoht sa ,ti ot thguoht laer yna gnivig nosrep detceffa eht tuohtiw ecafrus dna smotpnys rehto yalpsid lduoc ti taht suoivbo eb dluow ti dnim ruoy ni yaw niatrec a sgniht gniees ot desu era uoy fi naem I .ssessop ew slliks rotom rehto esoht tceffa dna segats ylrae sti ni detaert ton fi esrow raf poleved dluoc taht gnihtemos taht nosaer ot dnats dluow ti smees ti em ot tub ,ti troppus ot laitnatsbus gnihtyna dnif ot tey evah I dna siht otni hcaeser evisnetni enod evah I ?gnitinrw ekil slliks rotom rehto tceffa ti nac tub ,yas tonnac I ,htuom ruoy naht retsaf gnissecorp si nairb eht erehw noisufnoc yraropmet tsuj ro aixelsyd fo mrof A .eciwt kniht uoy ekam dluow taht nwo reh fo sdrow emos dah rehtom woh gniees yratidereh saw siht ebyam fi rednow netfo dluow I ."tles taeb" otni hprom dluow tleb taes dan "hsilon eop" tuo emoc dluow hsilop lian eoT .ylreporp detanimret erew srae reh neewteb gnihtyreve fi rednow uoy edam taht sdrow emos htiw pu emoc dluoc ehs tub ,cixelsyd ton si rethguad yM . detaler mulleberec ot thgis ylno si ti fi dna elpoep stseffa ti woh gnirednow dna yletal aixelsyd tuoba gnikniht neeb evah I
.niaga noitcnuf yawflah ot lamron ot kcab eb lliw sregnif ym neht ebyaM .tuo sgniht wef a worht dna gnizinagro emos oD .elttil a tuo sgniht raelc dna sthguoht elbmuj eht elgnatnu ot yrt dna siht hguorht elddum I sa em htiw raeb esaelp oS .seitiliba gnipyt ym detceffa sah ti smees ti dna sregnif ym ot rettam yarg ym morf yaw sti dekrow sah noisufnoc siht ylwolS .neppah ot sgniht egnarts emos gnisuac detrats sah noisufnoc ,daeh ym ni yas ot os pu gnikcab detrats evah sthguoht fo tol a yletal smeeS
For the Less Dyslexic
Seems lately a lot of thoughts have started backing up so to say in my head, confusion has started causing some strange things to happen. Slowly this confusion has worked its way from my gray matter to my fingers and it seems it has affected my typing abilities. So please bear with me as I muddle through this and try to untangle the jumble thoughts and clear things out a little. Do some organizing and throw a few things out. Maybe then my fingers will be back to normal and I can halfway function again.
I have been thinking about dyslexia lately and wondering how it affects people and if it is only sight to cerebellum related. My daughter is not dyslexic, but she could come up with some words that made you wonder if everything between her ears were terminated properly. Toe nail polish would come out “poe nolish” and seat belt would morph into “beat selt”. I would often wonder if maybe this was hereditary seeing how her mother had some words of her own that would make you think twice. A form of dyslexia or just temporary confusion where the brain is processing faster than your mouth, I cannot say, but can it affect other motor skills like writing? I have done intensive research into this and I have yet to find anything substantial to support it, but to me it seems it would stand to reason that something that could develop far worse if not treated in its early stages and affect those other motor skills we possess. I mean if you are used to seeing things a certain way in your mind it would be obvious that it could display other symptoms and surface without the affected person giving any real thought to it, as though to them it was perfectly normal. I mean after all an alcoholic doesn’t realize that they consume too much libations and the last time my home was broken into by a crack addict he failed to leave an iou and explaining his addiction to me, it was just the normal thing to do, need crack, no money, break into home, steal valuables, fence or pawn and buy crack. Normal SOP to a crack addict and nothing out of the norm, so in his mind, we should understand why when we sit down we are staring at a large rectangular blank space where our 50 inch plasma used to be.
I ponder the conundrum too deeply I think, maybe someone out there as a bit better insight to it than I do. After all I am not a neurologist and these things are a little over my head.
I do realize that dyslexia is no laughing matter and it affects millions around the world. This is not meant to be a pun towards them or their affliction in any way. If I have offended anyone posting this blog, please accept my sincerest apologies.
Stories posted here are the exclusive property of the Smiling Pig. No other use or reproduction of the content contained here is permissible without written prior consent.
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