Chat rooms are fodder for so many things. I read a lot of blogs and they all or rather a lot of them seem to have something to say concerning chat and a lot of it is targeted at a specific group of individuals or one single individual. I know some like to think they are infallible, that they feel that they are open, accepting and without prejudice, but in all reality these too seem to want to go with the flow of the room so that they themselves will not be targeted for who they like to think they are.
I have been doing a lot of hopping lately, going from room to room, mainly staying in the Asian rooms and I sit and read what is being said and a lot of what I read is mostly people trying to position themselves in a better light. So they speak to each other and in doing so I am reminded of my school days where such groups were referred to as cliques. Each with their own preferences and if you did not fit into that clearly defined criteria of how they modeled themselves then you were considered an outcast, ostracized for not conforming to their idea as to how you should act and think.
I know as well as anyone else that we all have prejudices, it is human nature to see people different than ourselves as a threat. Man has acted on their prejudices through out recorded history and some were genocidal in their efforts to eradicate entire races due to their being different. Is being different really that bad? It is being different that makes us individuals, clearly distinguishable from others. So why is it that so many always want to be like someone else? Self prejudice, afraid that being seen as different will paint a target on their backs and make them the butt of someone's inane rhetoric? They conform, weak or ashamed, they conform to blend in with the rest and disappear and depending on the current clique in the room, like chameleons they will change their color again to blend in and disappear.
Most of man's moral attitude is based on prejudice and how he views the world and its occupants. Seeing their indifference as a threat and a weakness upon which he reacts. Bringing together those he feels that are of his thinking and displays his same moral values and using mindless verbal assaults commences to stir that same prejudice in others against those different to him. A coward that seeks others to go before him spreading that bile of prejudice.
It is said that birds of a feather flock together yet opposites attract, this I find confusing and an enigmatic oxymoron, they seem to null out each other, but yet we use them to fit our need at the time and in chat rooms they hold up to the letter. I am not saying I am not prejudice, I am, I am prejudice against stupidity, ignorance and poor moral values, but these are what I call temporary prejudices which can be overcome with education and learning to accept another for who they are, not what they are. I would like to think of myself as not being a judgmental person, but I am, if I weren't this page would be blank or I would be talking about how rosy the world is behind the rose tinted glasses I was wearing. I see no point in painting a world in perfect harmony when in fact it is as it has always been, in prejudiced turmoil. Will we ever shake this and realize that it is only the color of our skin, our religious beliefs, our moral values that separate us? That under those trappings we are still human beings no better than the one who stands next to us or no less. We are equal and we each have a right to live as we choose, what we feel is in our own best interest.
We need to realize that the world is getting smaller each day, with each baby born we give to this world our progeny, the ones that will carry forth our legacy and they will learn from us by our own example and it will be by what we teach them as to how they will view and accept others. We need to teach them that we live in a global community and no longer are we defined as countries within borders drawn on some map. That the only lines we draw are the ones that define our prejudices and until we learn that there are no such lines in the soil that separate us or define who we are those lines will forever set us apart.
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